Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Layla, Carlton and Razz

I need to make an update on Adoptions :)
Layla the rabbit found a wonderful new home. She now lives with A Mom, Dad and their son and another bunny by the name of Oreo. They sent me a picture of Oreo and he is very handsome, he is black and white with very large ears! Layla had been abandoned at a local park. She was running free and lost, scared and vulnerable. An animal loving couple took hours out of their day to catch Layla ( and they succeeded) and bring her to us, so we could spay her and find her a great home. She has come a long way from being left behind to fend for herself, to the pampered family bunny she is now.
Carlton is a guinea pig that had been abandoned behind a business building with over 50 other guinea pigs back in June. He has been in foster care with board member, Christine. I love Carlton's calico colors, and his New Mom , Jennifer, fell in love with him on the spot. She has updated us on how Carlton is doing. She says, He is being shy, he runs in his igloo to hide when he is startled, but she still loves him to death no matter what.
We are very excited about Razz the turtle's adoption. Razz was originally taken to the vet to be euthanized because his owner couldn't care for him anymore. He was with Rosebud the painted turtle as well ( recently adopted) The vet's office convinced the owner to surrender the turtles in instead of choosing to euthanize them because they were both perfectly healthy and had a lot of life to live yet. The vet then called us up so we could pick up Rosebud and Razz and foster them until they found homes. Razz is a very BIG boy and our vet estimated him to be around 30 years old. Due to his age and size , we knew we would have difficulty finding him a home. Amanda and her boyfriend recently lost their beloved turtle to cancer and were looking to add a new shelled friend into their life. They had seen Razz on Petfinder for a long time, they noticed other turtles get adopted but not Razz. they felt for him and knew they could offer him the loving home he needed. They have a 90 gallon long tank, perfect for the big "Clunker" he is, and have all the accessories and food he needs. They have also lovingly re-named him Bubba, that name suits him. Thank you Amanda for adopting a senior pet! :) I know you'll enjoy each day, months and years he'll be with you.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Waffle and Potter, Zoey and Ping

There have been adoptions over the past couple weeks that I didn't write about yet.
The two brother rabbits, Waffle and Potter found a home together! They are neutered boys that are very lucky to have a great New Mom and family to love and care for them. Zoey the guinea pig also went home as well. She is going to be very spoiled, her new family is very nice and caring. Ping the hamster found a home last weekend, he has a young caretaker and Mom who loves hamsters very much.
This Monday , Enchanted and Blanca the female rabbits were spayed , Q-tip and Washington the boys were neutered. They went through it fantastic and were hopping and eating as soon as they arrived back home from the vet's office.
Here are pictures of Ping, Waffle, Potter and Zoey.

Friday, December 5, 2008

great cage set-up

I would love to have this cage the Critter Nation for the rescued pets. It can house rats, sugar gliders, degus, chinchillas and even ferrets. The problem with many of the larger cages I have is the bar spacing. The bar spacing is too far apart, most of the little ones can slip through and escape like the rats. This is such a roomy cage that is easy to clean :) Maybe for my Christmas wish list. Ray ( the hubby) says we already have enough extra cages. But he doesn't understand the need for larger cages for their happiness, and that most large cages have bar spacing that isn't adequate for the smaller guys. It is pricey too. Maybe someday... I love to treat the rescues with the very best :)

Thursday, December 4, 2008


This is very difficult..tomorrow I am taking Bandit the ferret to the vet to be put to sleep. He has been battling cancer for so long and now, he just cannot fight it anymore. His legs are not doing what he wants them to do, he has lost control of his bladder and his bowels and he has been loosing weight. His quality of life has gone downhill and I know the only thing we can do for him right now is ease him out of suffering and let go of him. He can go somewhere where he no longer has to fight his own body. He arrived to us about 3 years ago at 5 years old, he came to us in a tiny cage and with no fur on his body or tail. He had adrenal gland disease and we fund raised to have the surgery done to take out the bad adrenal gland and correct him. He went through the surgery great and healed and also grew his fur back in about 2 months time. We then placed him up for adoption.. only to realize soon after that he still had something wrong with him. We took him back to the vet and found out he had insulinoma, a tumor on his Pancreas. This wasn't quite so easily corrected. We decided to keep him with us as a full fledged family member since we knew he would always have medical issues. He was on prednisone for over a year and we dealt with sugar level drops from his insulinoma. Now at 8 years old , he is skinny, he has battled cancer for a very long time, he fought the good fight. It was so hard to even make the appointment for tomorrow, and it will be even more difficult to let him go and say good bye to him when the time comes. It is the kindest thing and the only thing we can do for Bandit right now, he is distressed over his own body not doing what he wants it to do. He is also Daddy's boy, Ray loves him to death as much as I do. Here are some pictures of our little man. This is such an agonizing decision, but I can tell it is time...

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Mr.T the Map Turtle

Mr.T is a map turtle that was brought to us because he had reoccurring foot problems that wouldn't resolve or go away. When he arrived his back foot was swollen and looked quite painful. Despite this, he still had a hearty appetite and was very active. We took him to see Dr.T and found out that he had a very diseased toe and this toe was causing the foot infection to keep coming back even though he had been treated with antibiotics. Dr.T recommended surgery to have the toe removed as soon as possible. He went through this surgery just this Monday, and is doing fabulous!! :) His foot is already not as swollen or puffy looking, it barely is at all. I can see his incision area and stitches, that still looks good, no problems at all. He is still as active as can be. And I hope once his incision area heals up he will also be pain free and very happy. I am hoping Mr.T never has foot problems again. Thank you Dr.Tomaschke for your knowledge , expertise and great hands with surgery, we do not know what we would do without you! You have been and may always be the best veterinarian that has helped us with our pets and rescues.