We have some of the baby rats on Petfinder.com already, for adoption.
Black Pearl the male guinea pig has been adopted :)
Tommy the guinea pig has arrived back because he wasn't a good match for the guinea pig he was adopted for. Tommy was behaving a bit too dominantly. He already has someone that may be adopting him soon.
The hamsters with the skin issues were positive for Sarcoptic mange at the vet. We are still battling the mange. They are getting Revolution and Ivermectin shots. There is small improvement , but they still have a lot of recovery to go. I feel bad for the little guys. With the treatment, they will soon be mange-free and not have irritated skin, and we are hoping their fur grows back.
Right now, we are very full within our household and in foster homes. We have been turning away surrenders. Until we received one call about a hamster that has lost all feeling in his back end and has been dragging himself. I am well aware that this doesn't usually happen unless a fall or trauma happens. I cannot say for sure how he became paralyzed. The person also told us that he is being housed in the garage! We said, "yes", definitely we will take him in and help him. He NEEDS help. unfortunately she was unable to bring us or have us come get him right away. The injured little guy should be arriving within the next few days. Then he can get the special care and medical care he needs. He will also be in the house , with family , where he belongs.
Pictured above is Black Pearl