On Sunday, McGee and DiNozzo were adopted by a lovely little girl and her mother. It was obvious by the way the little girl cradled the dwarf hamsters that they are going to be very well taken care of and loved. They will be keeping their names, as the family thought the names were too darn cute. Congratulations to the boys for getting their forever home!

McGee and DiNozzo in their foster home
In other happy news, Molsen the ferret is healing well. Unfortunately, removing the tumor on his toe would have required the removal of the entire toe. Since it isn't cancerous, doesn't seem to affect his walking or cause him pain, it was decided that it would be best to leave it as it is. The surgery to remove the adrenal tumor was a great success, however, and he's already looking much better. Where he previously had scabs from scratching himself, he now has smooth skin. With luck, it won't be long before his fur starts to grow back in those patches. The incision site looks to be healing properly as well. Three cheers for Molsen!
Despite the success at the Purina rally, Small Pets-Big Hearts is still in need of monetary donations to help with the cost of the recent surgeries. If you can afford to help out, every dollar is very much appreciated. If you would rather donate food, bedding, or cleaning supplies, those donations are also greatly appreciated.