Thursday, December 30, 2010

Their Wish List

I know that Christmas is over, but the little ones ( rescued pets) have many items they would love to have. They have made a wish list and anyone can donate from it. There are items for the birds, ferrets, hamsters, rabbits, etc. You can pick and choose anything and they let me know they wouldn't mind any doubles. The little ones would be happy for any gifts and greatly appreciate it! All donations are not tax deductible. Thank you and Happy New Year!
Here is a link to their wish list-

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone! To all little pet lovers , animal lovers, volunteers, foster parents, adopters, supporters, family and friends. You mean the World to us!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Hugo, Ellis, Anita, Farrell, Juno and Abby

Over the weekend we had many adoptions, we are as happy as can be!! Abby and Juno the female guinea pigs went home first. They are a bonded pair and went home together. Then the female rat sisters; Ellis, Anita and Farrell went home together. Then big boy, Hugo the guinea pig went home.
Thank you to everyone who adopts. You have saved the life of that pet and others. We know they are all going to be loved and spoiled in their new homes. I cannot give enough thanks to everyone who has adopted, is in the process of adopting, will adopt, and fosters.. we couldn't continue the rescue efforts without you.
Pictured above is Hugo! Isn't he handsome?

Friday, December 3, 2010

Update on the Ferret Boy

Update on Molsen the ferret. He is looking wonderful! His skin is healing and I think i can see new fur growing in already! He is eating more. Today he was bouncing around the living room and kitchen like he's a young kit. I am proud of him and happy that he is so much better. Wednesday he is getting his stitches removed.
Thank you to those who donated on Molsen's behalf. We are still in the process of reaching the goal for Molsen's surgery. Every little bit helps , for the life altering and saving surgery Molsen had.