Monday, January 31, 2011


Derby the guinea pig had his surgery today. The lymph node abscess was removed, as well as his lymph node. Dr.T wanted to make sure the abscess wouldn't reform. In order to remove all of the abcsess, the lymph node needed to be removed as well. Derby was squeaking and talking in his carrier on the way home. He started eating as soon as he was settled back in his cage. He is still on antibiotics for a while and will have his stitches removed in 10 to 14 days. He has bounced back so well, it's as if he didn't even have surgery this morning :)


A little less than a week ago we took in two female guinea pigs that were not being cared for by the children they were bought for. After they were surrendered , we instantly noticed that one of them has a head tilt and her left eye is cloudy. The girls came with the names Daisy and Buttercup. I felt that the head tilted girl needed a stronger name to go with her special needs/disability and to help overcome her physical obstacles. I renamed the head tilted girl, Athena. And her cage mate that has no obvious physical ailments ( just overgrown nails that are now trimmed) , Xena. After picking up and watching Athena , we also noticed how thin she is. She also would stay quiet in a corner and breathe heavily. After taking her weight- she weighed 714 grams , an adult female guinea pig should be at least 800 grams or more. Athena saw the vet and was found to have an ear infection, upper respiratory infection, a perforated cornea and angled incisor teeth. Poor girl!! Her eye was punctured and suffered trauma what our vet estimated to be months ago. We cannot do anything for her eye now. It healed the best it could. She may have limited vision, or most likely, no vision out of the left eye. She is now on antibiotics for the ear and respiratory infection. And then she will have dental work once she is feeling better. After three days on the antibiotic I can already see her spirits start to rise. She has more energy, more appetite and she is squeaking and exploring. She has gone from 714 grams to 719 already! I hope that she will steadily gain weight. Our vet said she may loose the head tilt. But, if she had the ear infection for a long time it may stay with her even after the infection is gone. Sometimes there is a residual head tilt even after treatment and good health. I am already completely in love with her. It would be a perfect story for her to be 100 percent healthy and be adopted with her best friend , Xena.

Lil Dude and Cougar!

We are happy to announce that Lil Dude and Cougar the two male guinea pigs were adopted. Of course, they went home together, they were a bonded pair of boys. Way to Go Cougar and Lil Dude!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Derby and Degus

We recently took in a guinea pig from a local pet store that has a lump on his face. He will be seeing the vet in four days. Despite the large lump, he is active, vocal and eats well. We have named him Derby and we are hopeful that he can be treated and will be a-okay very soon.
We also took in 1 male degu and 3 female degus. They are housed separatly, since we are against any breeding. Two of the girls have misaligned teeth and need frequent teeth trimmings. They all be adoptable soon, and the two girls will be placed as special needs.

Molsen's Foster Home

Yesterday , Molsen the ferret went into foster care. He now has a family of four to love and spoil him until he finds his adoptive family.

Many Happy Adoptions

Over the past couple of weeks, there have been a lot of adoptions. Pedro, Zephyr, Scooter and Rasko the guinea pigs were adopted. Maya, Larkin, Valentine, Remi and Liam the rats went home. And also, Keegan the hamster. We are extremely elated about so many little ones finding their foever homes. Thank you so everyone who has adopted.

Wish List Thank You!

Thank you to Karen and Lauren for donating toys and hideys to the rescued pets! Just want to remind everyone that the little ones have a wish list on They would love any donation (s) from the list. Thank you , thank you!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Home From the Vet!

Everything went well with Leopold and Remi!
What the vet removed on Remi was actually an abscess, not a tumor. Which is a good thing, we don't have to worry about more tumors appearing on Remi. At least not yet, or hopefully at all. The biggest worry after having a tumor removed on a rat is another taking it's place , or others appearing elsewhere. The abscess was fully removed and after antibiotics , Remi should be perfect. He is alert right now and leaving his incision area alone.
Leopold had the abscess removed and a tooth removed. Dr.T saw that the tooth that was "connected" with the abscess had grown. He is very sure it is the source of Leopold's abscesses. With that gone and the abscess, we are hopeful this will be the last of Leopold's jaw issues. He will also be on antibiotics for two more weeks and will be re checked at the vet in two weeks. Leopold is a little out of it, but he will soon be back to himself. He did had a rough day.
We also have a new arrival! Bugsy the guinea pig. He is 6 months old, black and brown with a white crest on his head. He is a little guy and he was purring in my arms the moment I picked him up and cradled him. What a little lover!


Leopold and Remi are recuperating at the vet right now. They are getting picked up at 5:30PM by foster Daddy, Ray. I will post all about them after they arrive back home and are settled in.
The great news is about Rusty the guinea pig. He was adopted on Saturday, January 8th. He now has a spayed female guinea pig that he lives with. Her name is Fiona. Fiona and Rusty hit it off right away. Within 15 minutes of meeting each other they were relaxed and laying next to each other. We are very happy that Rusty and Fiona now have each other. A very happy story and adoption!
The picture above is handsome Rusty.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Freddie and Franklin

Two new ferrets just arrived today. They are both males and their names are Freddie and Franklin. Franklin is a lighter sable ferret and is 4 years old. And Freddie is a dark Sable, he is between 1 and 2 years old. They were brought to the rescue due to severe allergies and difficulty affording them. They are climbnig about their cage right now, levels in a cage are new to them. Freddie seems to want to come out, so I will let him bounce and romp around for a while in the living room. Franklin is content just sleeping.

Looking Back

The year of 2010 was a great year! We totalled 163 adoptions for the whole year! That is stupendous! Thank you to everyone who has adopted. You have saved a precious life (lives) and have given them a second chance filled with love. We couldn't continue helping the little ones without adopters.
We also became Incorporated as a Non Profit organization. Then changed our name to Small Pets-Big Hearts, Inc. Next on our agenda is gaining our tax exempt 501(c)(3) status. it is taking a little longer then we expected. But, we will get there.
We became placement partners with Lollipop Farms Humane Society located in Rochester, NY. We are thrilled to be working with a dedicated shelter. We are always willing to help out and cooperate with other rescues and shelters.
We were able to take in 7 female rabbits from the huge cruelty siezure that happened in New Brunswick Canada this year. The rabbits were housed outside and fed very little. When they arrived they were dirty, matted and thin . All those female rabbits now have homes. They are now indoor rabbits and will always be fed and groomed.
We have had many spays and neuters, tumor removals, dental care, check- ups, and adrenal surgeries happen at our primary vet. And that is only a few on the list. We are grateful for such a wonderful vet and staff at Seneca Animal Hospital. And for people who donate towards the vet care for everyone.
We hope to have an equally successful year, here in 2011. Maybe even better. We have grown so much and have gathered many people along the way that now foster, volunteer and are true friends. We couldn't accomplish this alone. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Leopold and Remi

Leopold is a wonderful Holland Lop bunny. He is a true sweetheart that loves attention and being loved on. He has been battling a jaw abscess. When he was neutered on December 13th, our vet found a jaw abscess and he quickly removed and drained what he could. Leopold has since then been on antibiotics. but, the jaw abscess has returned. The abscess is actually within his jaw bone. This makes it tough to treat. He is going back to the vet on Monday, January 10th, to have the abscess removed as much as possible again. He is still on antibiotics and will remain on antibiotics until the battle is won. Even though he hates the medicine every day, Leopold remains in good spirits. He is eating well and drinking. If I had a jaw abscess, I don't think I would be carrying on as well as Leopold is. Keep it up sweet Leo!
Remi the hairless rat went to the vet because a tumor appeared underneath his armpit area. The lump is tumor. He will be having the tumor removed on Monday , January 10th. Tumor removals seem to go well , and we hope that no other tumors will appear afterwards. Remi is also eating and going about his business as usual. He is a great rat, a real snuggler.
I will update on the boys after Monday.