Today is the last day of July, and it turned out to be a great day. And not just because I didn't have to work today.
In the afternoon Charity the guinea pig was adopted. And Miles and Mitchell the rats were adopted, their new family traveled all the way from Ohio to meet them and take them home.
The rest of the afternoon was spent cleaning some cages and letting the rescue ferrets romp around the living room.
In the evening, we had one of our bi-monthly board member meetings. Great discussions and new ideas formed for the rescue.
The rest of the night was spent cleaning cages and loving the animals. I surrounded by utter cuteness tonight. Dominic and Rufus the ferret were spooning each other and using each other as pillows. Cora was grooming Midge the rat's face while they snuggled in a hammock, everywhere I looked I was "aawwwwing" over so much adorable little ones. Our family cats were even curled up in their beds, and Randy the cat was laying on his Daddy, Ray, they were both asleep. It all warms the heart.
Good night everyone, we hope for an equally wonderful month for August.
PIctured above is Charity and Miles.