Magic the handsome black and white rabbit is adopted now. He was in a foster home for a while, and now he has his own permanent loving home. His new owner has another bunny named Pony, she noticed Pony has a bit of a runny eye and took her to the vet. The vet found a bit of infection in the eye and prescribed Baytril and recommended to wait before bringing Magic home. which isn't a problem, Magic will stay at his Foster Mom's until Pony is all better. We are wishing Pony to get well real soon.
Yesterday our shipment of mealworms came in. I filled up dishes of mealworms and gave them to our reptiles. Drogo the water dragon and Griswald the club tailed iguana were basking on a top shelf of their enclosure. When they saw the dish of mealworms they dove off the the shelf so fast and started muching up the mealworms. I took a picture of Owen happily eating his mealworms.
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