For anyone that has been to our home, our point of rescue, they would know that we love cats. We have had 4 cats, Motorman, Jade, Harry and Paige. As of yesterday, we now have five :):) Randy is our newest addition. Ray and I adopted Randy from the
Cattarougus (in
Olean, NY) SPCA which is a no-kill shelter. Randy had been in their shelter and waiting for a home since 2004! And let me tell you Randy is the most handsome, sweetest , playful boy ever, it was love at first sight for me. We weren't looking to adopt another cat but Randy took our hearts he really was meant to be. Yesterday I let Randy roam around the house and investigate and I lavished extra time and attention on the other 4 kitties, I never want them to feel that I think any less of them just because there is someone new. All our cats were adopted and we also adopted them as adults, Randy is close to 4 years old. If anyone one loves to stop by and have Jade ( slim black cat)all over them or Harry (black and white) stick his butt in your face then demand you pet him, now there's Randy he'll be wanting attention too.
Monday was a vet trip day, we took KC, our
patagonian conure we have had her for 6 years, she is a family bird. KC hurt herself during one night, she was thrashing around in her cage (night frights) and had injured her wing, underneath near her armpit. She had stitches put in to help it heal, but healing has been slow going because she picks at the area. We thought she may need an E-collar to keep her from picking on it. Dr.T said the wound did look much better and that we should not put the collar on her, it is so stressful for birds. He gave her a different antibiotic to ward off infection and help it heal more. I also took in Sweetie the rabbit for a check -up to make sure she is healthy and well for adoption. She is not pregnant, that is good, there are so many rabbits needing homes. Sure we would have taken excellent care of babies ( I am sure Sweetie would have been a great Momma) and then we'd find them homes at the appropriate time. The sad truth is, is that there is such a large amount of homeless rabbits at shelters and rescues every day that a litter of rabbits only brings that number higher. But if babies are on the way we always help Momma along ( mainly with a great diet, she does all the hard work) and help the babies to
adulthood then find their loving homes. Sweetie is perfectly healthy and a gorgeous rabbit according to Dr.T and she is! She is now available for adoption.
Elso and
Puglsey the rabbits will be seeing Dr.t also for their check-ups. Any rescues that arrive here, we never push them out the door right away by placing them for adoption the moment they arrive. We want them to calm down, settle in, then see a vet first. It's stressful for them to be moved, especially into a place with so many animals of all different types. This also gives us a chance to evaluate each rescue, their personality and behavior, likes and dislikes. We get to know them so we can help all potential adopters and adopters with information about their new pet. And once
someone is on
Petfinder to be adopted, they are here or in a foster home until they are adopted, no matter how long that may take.
I have a lot of new pictures in the camera right now, but they aren't uploading into the computer. I don't have any pictures this time :( I promise lots of pictures next time.
Ray and I are going to go have dinner now, then we'll spend the rest of the night cleaning and loving everyone, and making Randy at home,