I have so much news and so much to say,
First off, Anthony went in to see Dr.T today and he had the horrible snip, snip , dreadful, NEUTERING! AH ! Okay, it's not that bad. It ensures he won't be adding to the already large number of rabbits, and it will keep him healthier in the long run. Once spayed or neutered, rabbits won't get the tumors and possibly cancer on those reproductive parts. Anthony was very sleepy when he first got home. But now he is his usual bouncy self and has been diving his head into the food bowl and munching on hay, a good sign that he is on the mend. He was prescribed a medicine to help alleviate the pain, I gave him some already for tonight, he'll get another dose tomorrow.
Melody the female dutch bunny saw Dr.T on Monday. He checked her all over and she passed her health exam with flying colors. She also had her nails trimmed. She is such a sweet girl, she adores attention and being petted. She let me place a harness on her without a fuss and seemed very content wearing it. I'll leave a picture of her in her harness suit, isn't she cute wearing it?
We are still working on her using her litter box continually, she is using it better than she was, but she still has oopsies outside the box. She'll get there.
On a much sadder note, the little grey mouse that was ancient, died today. We were given this mouse well before we started Life Long Tails, which was a year and a half ago. Grey mouse's former owner had him for over a year, and we had him for 2 and a half years. That made grey mouse over 3 and a half years old! Mice normally have a life span of 1 to 2 years. Grey mouse became geriatric, he stopped using his wheel, and couldn't walk up the ramps in his cage, so we formatted his cage to suit his needs. He started walking stiffly, but he kept eating and doing his normal daily activities. I started calling him Mr.Jingles after the mouse that lived on and on in the movie The Green Mile. It's strange that he is gone, it seemed he would aways be with us.
Some newcomers arrived both yesterday and today. Yesterday two female guinea pigs were brought here, Lexi and Lizzie. They are scared, we are keeping things quiet around them, they should relax and feel more at ease soon. Today two lionhead bunnies arrived, male and female bonded pair ( fixed) Elso and Pugsley. These two are gorgeous, stunning, and beyond all cuteness. Note for Karen- Ray and I set up their cage just the way they like it and are used to. They are doing great, eating , drinking , using the litter box ( the used one) and grooming themselves and each other. They didn't even mind Old man Butterscotch coming up to their cage and watching them, they were curious about him. I let Butterscotch out of his cage to stretch out his old joints. I never let bunnies from different groups out at the same time, rabbit fights are like the Tasmanian devil in a whirlwind.
The other day I brought out Satin the black bear hamster and placed her on Ray on the couch. I love bringing out the rescues to socialize them and love them. So I was petting her on Ray and so was he, when suddenly she backed up and let out a pool of pee on him. Ray wasn't thrilled but he wasn't angry or upset either. he just got up and washed off then came back, no big deal. It was my fault for waking her up and not letting her go to the bathroom in her cage before bringing her out. She's never done this before, but I couldn't help but laugh. Ray got it good, ha ha. I know that means my time is coming soon.
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