I am happy, ECSTATIC! to post that there is an improvement with Fagan. Yippee! Yesterday I noticed that he was more alert and energetic, curious about everything around him. Before he just laid around with his head down. He also started taking the syringe fed food much easier and showed more interest in eating greens ( kale and collared) But Ray and I did notice that he still wasn't making many poops , if none at all, and we still feared a problem brewing inside of him that just wasn't found with all the medical intervention. This morning though, Poop Explosion! he had poops all over his pen, they are still a bit small and unformed, but there are lots of them and that's a huge improvement and break though! Yes I am excited about Fagan's poops! I'd rather have a lot of poops to clean up then none at all. I feel that Fagan is on the road to recovery. He is still getting Chloraphenical, Baytril and Metacam each day and I am syringe feeding him two to three times a day and giving him Sub Q fluids. It is working, he's much better than he was before, and I am hoping he keeps up the improving until he is back to himself. Hooray!
Also, just for the fun of it. Our conures, Chico and Gonzo took a bath yesterday, and Chico was so wet that the orange feather on the top of his head were sticking up in a wet mass. Chico is a peach fronted conure. Look at him , he is so silly.
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