The sugar Gliders seem to love cantaloupe and mealworms the most so far. I washed their pouches and was able to get my hands on a much larger cage for them. The cage they came in ( were surrendered in ) was designed for a hamster, it is way too small for three gliders. They have an appointment on Thursday, after that, if all is well, they'll be adoptable.
It is unfortunate that there are only 4 baby hamsters left. These 4 are doing really well, they are zooming all over and have their eyes fully open. I am not sure why so many passed on, I know 12 was a HUGE litter for any hamster, and they may have caused so many complications. Not enough food and nipples to go around... only a theory. Mom is great, she is running in her wheel right now. And she is still diligently nursing the remaining 4. They will be ready to be separated from her very soon.
Fagan is doing fantastic! He is eating better than ever and poops galore. He is drinking from his water bottle and bowl, he likes both. His skin isn't quite so flaky on the down turned side ( side that was effected by the mites) or raw looking and it is growing back fur. And is is so energetic and lovable, he is such a doll:)
I forgot to mention, about two weeks ago, the three adult (large) rats, Kelso, Fez and Hyde went into foster care. They are enjoying their foster Mom , Dawn, and are now on a diet to hopefully loose some of their unnecessary weight. Their plumpness is not healthy, I admit it is cute, but in reality it is a health risk. Is there a Jenny Craig's for rats?
I'll post more soon, and hopefully have pictures to show.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Friday, July 27, 2007
Ruby's Day

I grabbed the digital camera and was ready to take some photos of Blender and Americana and Kodiak, when I realized the battery was dead. Now I have to wait for it to charge before I can take any pictures, sorry guys.
Ruby the dwarf hamster was adopted today. The Mom, Dad and daughter who adopted her are so wonderful. I like them a lot, so pleasant. And I know that Ruby will be adored and loved, she also has a pink cage that looks more like a castle and and it is decorated in a such a way that makes Ruby look as if she were a princess. A princess in a castle, very fitting for Ruby.
Also, we had some surrenders today. 5 dwarf hamster and 3 sugar gliders. Our very first rescue sugar gliders. I don't have any names for them yet, I'll think of something soon. And no pictures either, darn camera.
I do have pictures of Ruby, here she is, Princess Ruby!
Now I am off to clean and feed, give meds, and put everyone to bed. Good night.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Ace and Gizmo to the vet
Ace and Gizmo the peruvian piggies went to see Dr.Fijas today. They had a routine physical to make sure they are 100 percent healthy before going up for adoption. Dr.fijas checked their eyes, ears, teeth, listened to their heart and lungs and even checked them carefully for any lice. everything was great, and no lice! Yay! They are very healthy and Gizmo tipped the scales at 1330 grams! They do need some more socialization , they're still nervous about being handled. We will continue to give them out of cage time, and pet them and love them. And I am sure their new adoptive home will do the same.
2 ferrets arrived today. Americana and Kodiak, they are boy and girl, spayed and neutered, and six and a half years old. They will be staying with us, we will be a sanctuary/hospice for them. They both have cancer, Lymphoma. It is untreatable, Kodiak is on prednisone to help him feel better. Their owner is moving across country, and was much too afraid to take them with knowing how ill and "fragile" they are. We do not know how much time they have left, but we will provide their days with comfort and love. They are gorgeous. I promise to add pictures of Blender the chameleon and These precious ferrets real soon.
2 ferrets arrived today. Americana and Kodiak, they are boy and girl, spayed and neutered, and six and a half years old. They will be staying with us, we will be a sanctuary/hospice for them. They both have cancer, Lymphoma. It is untreatable, Kodiak is on prednisone to help him feel better. Their owner is moving across country, and was much too afraid to take them with knowing how ill and "fragile" they are. We do not know how much time they have left, but we will provide their days with comfort and love. They are gorgeous. I promise to add pictures of Blender the chameleon and These precious ferrets real soon.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
update on baby hamsters and Blender the chameleon
I am afraid to say that some of thehamster babies have passed away. They were doing wonderful for two weeks, then some of them, I just found, gone. I am not sure if it was just too large of a litter , 12 is a BIG litter for a hamster. And the larger, stronger babies were able to nurse more so than the smaller ones, and the smaller ones perished. I really don't know why they died, but it is very sad. There are seven remaining and Mom is nursing them and caring for them still, they are active and have their eyes almost completely open. I really hope they survive and grow up to adult hood. Then experince the joys of being adopted and being part of a family. I know Momma is doing the best she can. I have been supplementing her with electrolytes and vitamins and of course, good food is plenty. Let's just hope these babies continue to do well.
Our newest arrival is a chameleon. This poor chameleon had something awful happen to him. As he was going for some food, his long tongue wrapped around a vine from inside his enclosure and became stuck. Somebody freed him but his tongue had been majorly damaged by the accident. I got him in to see Dr.T as soon as I could when he arrived here. by then, the damaged portion of his tongue had fallen off, and now he doesn't have much of a tongue at all :(. A chamleon's tongue is used for catching prey to eat. Now he'll need to be hand fed for the rest of his life. We'll be keeping him here because of his special needs. He's a permanent resident like Bandit the ferret and Fagan the rabbit, due to their special needs and medical issues. I named the chameleon, Blender, and so far he is doing well, considering how awful his accident was. He eats for me and drinks water, he is in a 38 gallon reptarium with branches and vines, plus his heat lamp and UVA/UVB lamp. I hope he is happy:)
Our newest arrival is a chameleon. This poor chameleon had something awful happen to him. As he was going for some food, his long tongue wrapped around a vine from inside his enclosure and became stuck. Somebody freed him but his tongue had been majorly damaged by the accident. I got him in to see Dr.T as soon as I could when he arrived here. by then, the damaged portion of his tongue had fallen off, and now he doesn't have much of a tongue at all :(. A chamleon's tongue is used for catching prey to eat. Now he'll need to be hand fed for the rest of his life. We'll be keeping him here because of his special needs. He's a permanent resident like Bandit the ferret and Fagan the rabbit, due to their special needs and medical issues. I named the chameleon, Blender, and so far he is doing well, considering how awful his accident was. He eats for me and drinks water, he is in a 38 gallon reptarium with branches and vines, plus his heat lamp and UVA/UVB lamp. I hope he is happy:)
Saturday, July 21, 2007
New piggy and hammies, plus a Bandit

Ray and I went to the vet today with Bandit the ferret. He has been slowing down for a bit now, just not as energetic or playful. He had blood work done and his blood sugar level is low. Mostly caused by insulinoma , a tumor/cancer on the pancreas. We will be starting him on Prednisone, and hopefully that will help him to feel better.
Yesterday we had a drop off of 9 hamsters! Wow! 5 young ones, still almost babies. Two older females , and two older males. They are all Russian dwarf hamsters, and their owner couldn't seem to stop the breeding and wound up with too many. We are full with hamsters right now, we are unable to take in anymore until we have some adoptions. I am sure that if I count how many we have in the household right now ( all adoptable) we'd have anywhere from 30 to 40 hamsters, Whoa!
Today we had a new arrival, a guinea pig named Piggy. He is a young boy. He had become phobic and frightened in his home, and his owner was looking to find him a new home where he could settle down and come out of his shell. So far he has been curious here and was eating from his pile of hay and food bowl. We'll let him settle before placing him up for adoption and before I take pictures. But I promise, pictures of Piggy and the new hammies are coming soon.
In the meantime, here is a picture of Ace and Gizmo , the two guinea pigs that arrived last week. They have a vet visit on Tuesday, and if all goes well they will be adoptable right after.
They are all hair, but so very adorable.
Thursday, July 19, 2007

Went to the vet today with Sysco and Fagan, we saw Dr.T.
I noticed that Fagan was having an issue with his skin, fur loss, scaliness..etc After a skin scrape, Dr.T found mites right away. Now Fagan is being treated with Revolution, one dose should get rid of them. He told me Fagan may have always been harboring a mite or two but then after stress the mites multiplied and became a problem. And fagan did go through a lot of stress 3 weeks ago, the tests, surgery, not eating , not pooping, yep, lots of stress there.
Sysco is our parakeet,has had liver disease for 3 years now, and he occasionally needs a beak and nail trimming. He was trimmed up real nice today. He hated it, but needed it.
Here's a picture of new arrival hamster, Berry, running on his wheel.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
recent baby pictures

Yeah, they are growing up fast, here they are at 2 weeks old. By next week their eyes will be open . They are already starting to crawl around and get into mischief.
I checked out Berry today, the new hamster arrival. I was told Berry was a she, but upon inspection, definitely a boy. He is still a cutie pie.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
hamster arrivals and adoptions
Last week there were two hamster adoptions.
Fluff and Puff were adopted, the Russian dwarf sisters. And Ginger Snap, the female Syrian hamster. They are very cute friendly girls too, they now have nice families who love them.
The baby hamsters are a little over two weeks old now. They have a bit of fuzz for fur and are crawling around, which is getting on momma's nerves, she keeps picking them up and putting them back into the nest. Wait until their eyes are open Mom, I'd say in about 5 to 6 more days they will be :)
A new hamster arrived today, a dark Russian dwarf. Another hammie that was a child's pet, and lost interest in. They said she is a girl, but I am looking and I think I may see boyness there. I'll wait until tomorrow to actually flip her and check, I am sure she a bit stressed now from the move, she/he doesn't need me flipping him/her right now.
Fluff and Puff were adopted, the Russian dwarf sisters. And Ginger Snap, the female Syrian hamster. They are very cute friendly girls too, they now have nice families who love them.
The baby hamsters are a little over two weeks old now. They have a bit of fuzz for fur and are crawling around, which is getting on momma's nerves, she keeps picking them up and putting them back into the nest. Wait until their eyes are open Mom, I'd say in about 5 to 6 more days they will be :)
A new hamster arrived today, a dark Russian dwarf. Another hammie that was a child's pet, and lost interest in. They said she is a girl, but I am looking and I think I may see boyness there. I'll wait until tomorrow to actually flip her and check, I am sure she a bit stressed now from the move, she/he doesn't need me flipping him/her right now.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Sunday, July 8, 2007
A home for Sweetie

Sweetie the stunningly beautiful rex rabbit, just went home yesterday. She was adopted by a nice couple, they had lost their beloved bunny recently and were looking to bring a new bun into their life. They are fellow animal lovers they also have a cat, dog and two ferrets. They lost their other bunny to an abnormally large kidney stone :(
Sweetie was captured and rescued from spending her life outside, Her rescuer found her in her own backyard and fed her for many days , months even, but couldn't capture her. Until finally one day , it was cold and rainy, Sweetie let her pick her up and bring her inside. Sweetie then made her way here in order to find a home. It is always a happy occasion when a home is found.
We have some new arrivals as well, 2 male guinea pigs. They were simply not wanted anymore, they are two years old and are Peruvians. one is black his name is Ace and the other is brown and white his name is Gizmo. We also now have a Momma hamster that is caring for a litter of 12 babies. The litter was accidental and not wanted, so the Mom was given up along with her babies , the babies are only a week old, they are still pink and blind, they are very much dependent on Mom, and will be for a few more weeks.
We don't have any pictures yet of the new rescues , but here's a picture of Sweetie. I can't say I won't miss her, she was a very nice and personable bun. I know she'll be loved and give love.
Friday, July 6, 2007
Wilma the frog, Fagan and Jade

Today, Wilma the albino clawed frog was adopted. She is going to have a 20 gallon tank all to herself to live in.
We also have a new arrival here, who is waiting to be adopted. Streak the chinese dwarf hamster. He was bought at Christmas time for a child's pet. But months later the child lost interest in him. Now he is waiting for a good hoe, with a family that will always love him.
Fagan the rabbit is back to eating , drinking and pooping like his normal self. I can now say that he is out of the woods, and back to being perfectly healthy, I am so HAPPY! Here is a picture I took of him eating out of his bowl. Also I'll add a picture of Jade when she was rolling around in the cat nip
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Getting better
Fagan is continuing to do well. He's eating and pooping much better. He's alert and active, I can't say how relieved I am at his progress. I am still giving him syringe feedings and Sub Q fluids twice a day.
Jade is also doing well . The only thing that shows that she is sick is her thinness ( she is still loosing weight :( ) and peeing around the house. We have had the windows open these cool nights and she has been jumping up to the window sills and looking out at the world. She has been very affectionate ( That's Jade) she laid on me this morning all stretched out on my lap. I gave her some cat nip this morning too and she was rolling in it and enjoying herself. Her appetite has been really good too. I wish that there was a cure for her kidney disease. I wish her kidneys have not failed and were okay.
Jade is also doing well . The only thing that shows that she is sick is her thinness ( she is still loosing weight :( ) and peeing around the house. We have had the windows open these cool nights and she has been jumping up to the window sills and looking out at the world. She has been very affectionate ( That's Jade) she laid on me this morning all stretched out on my lap. I gave her some cat nip this morning too and she was rolling in it and enjoying herself. Her appetite has been really good too. I wish that there was a cure for her kidney disease. I wish her kidneys have not failed and were okay.
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