Went to the vet today with Sysco and Fagan, we saw Dr.T.
I noticed that Fagan was having an issue with his skin, fur loss, scaliness..etc After a skin scrape, Dr.T found mites right away. Now Fagan is being treated with Revolution, one dose should get rid of them. He told me Fagan may have always been harboring a mite or two but then after stress the mites multiplied and became a problem. And fagan did go through a lot of stress 3 weeks ago, the tests, surgery, not eating , not pooping, yep, lots of stress there.
Sysco is our parakeet,has had liver disease for 3 years now, and he occasionally needs a beak and nail trimming. He was trimmed up real nice today. He hated it, but needed it.
Here's a picture of new arrival hamster, Berry, running on his wheel.
Poor Fagan. Your taking such good care of him. At least its just mites. Knowing how you took care of him before you will get rid of the mites easily! :D
Thank you so much Lyra. He deserves the best care possible , he is so loveable. I am so happy that he is eating, pooping and drinking again. That was the big thing we needed to work through. Good ol' Fagan.
Also, I am not sure if this is related to your name/screen name. Lyra is the main character in the Dark trilogies, the Golden Compass, The Subtle Knife and The Amber Spyglass. I just finished rereading those books for the second time. Just in case you used your name/screen name after Lyra in the books. I really love them :)
Actually my screenname is Lyra my real name is suzie and yes its from the books i love them too! :D Im glad to here Flagan is doing well!
Lyra or Suzie
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