I haven't posted this yet, but we have new family members :) Ray and I adopted a brother and sister cat that were having difficulties finding a home at the Wyoming county SPCA. The reason they were having trouble getting placed was because the boy, Martie, lost one of his eyes. When he arrived at the shelter he had a serious eye infection and the eye had ruptured and couldn't be saved, he needed to have his eye removed by a vet as soon as possible, and that is what they did. They saved his life by getting him in for this procedure when they did. After he healed he was placed up for adoption with his sister Melissa. When I saw him I loved him right away, I never mind "disfigurements", disabilities, etc. I find them special. When the shelter worker told me that so far everyone has said he is ugly and no one has even applied for him and his sister, I immediately felt for these two, and called Ray, we discussed it in depth, then decided to adopt them. They have been perfect additions to our cat family, active, playful and very affectionate. We thought about how this may or may not stress out Jade, we don't want her to be stressed for her remaining time here and while she is ill, but we remembered that she wasn't bothered at all by Randy being added to our household. And sure enough Jade does not mind Martie and Melissa. I'll add pictures of them soon enough.
About Jade, she has increasingly been obsessed with water. She even tries to drink from the fish tanks. I have three bowls of water down for the cats , plus the electronic fountain water dispenser, the Drink Well, is set up in the bathroom, and I bought it with Jade in mind. But she still feels the need to drink to drink from anywhere possible, it is because her kidneys aren't functioning anymore, her body desires a constant water intake to flush out her system since the kidneys are no longer doing that. She is also spending more time in the basement than she used to, and she is peeing all over down there, I have been cleaning it up with simple solution, but I am not sure if I have found all her spots yet. She hasn't used the cat litter boxes in a long time, she was going in the bathroom upstairs, a smaller area for me to clean up, the basement is huge! She doesn't seem to hang around Ray and I as much anymore, I think she may stay in the basement to stay away from us, but I am down there a lot to care for the little guys that are down there. She only seems to only want our attention when there is water or food involved. I know she is worsening, but when it the right time? She still has an appetite and energy, so I feel it isn't time yet. But I can tell she isn't feeling well.. this is really hard.
I'll be going in to see Dr.T today, with a new arrival, a rabbit with a head tilt. This bunny is only six weeks old and very small and adorable. His head tilt isn't as severe as Fagan's, but still noticeable. We'll see if we can find out why he has a head tilt and if it is treatable. I suspect a problem with the ears or E.Cuniculi. I am also taking, Nickle, the newest guinea pig arrival that was brought to us, he was abandoned in an apartment for a week without food or water. he is eating and drinking a lot now, but we want to make sure he is in good health before he is placed up for adoption.
Since I don't have any pictures of the new cats here is our boy, Harry in a cute and endearing pose. and a little bit of Motorman's head.
how many cats do you have?
Now with the additional 2, we have seven. I know , hehe, it's a big cat family, we love them so much.
And it is amazing how well they get along with each other. the new ones, Martie and Melissa made friends with Randy and Motorman right away. We have Motorman (boy), the oldest and my first cat, he is 12 years old. Then next I got Jade (girl) she is 10 years old. Then Harry (boy) he is 6 years old. Next is Paige (girl) she is 5 years old. Then Randy (boy) he is 4 years old. And now the two Melissa and Martie who are 5 months old. I could go on and on about them, they were all adoptions from various SPCA's. Now all we need to do is make a couple more litter boxes, there should be a box for every cat in the house ( number wise) and we still only have 5 boxes. We make them from rubbermaid containers, we cut a whole in the container fill it with litter and then the cat can go inside and do it's duty :)
wow you do have a lot! its good that they are all spca adoptions though. Helping homeless cats 1 step at a time. thats great! have fun with the new kitties!
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