I have decided to retire Jones and Jordan the hamsters from being adoptable. They have become much older and must be between 1 to 1 and a half years old now. That is senior age for a dwarf hamster. I have observed that they are slowing down, they don't run in their wheels as much and they sleep longer. They do still have a hearty appetite and are very healthy for senior hamsters. I would be willing to adopt them out to someone who understands that they may not be around for another 6 months or longer. And that they aren't active youngsters. Many people are looking to adopt the younger hamsters, and because of that fact Jones and Jordan will stay here with us for their remaining life. It sure won't be a bad life for them. They get all the perks all the other hamsters get, cozy fleece to burrow and sleep in, great food and treats including veggies and tofu. I do not mind having them as a permanent part of our family for as long as they need. Here is a picture of them, Justin the third hamster was adopted many, many months ago.
Ray ( the Hubby) and I have decided to go on vacation the end of January. Starting January 28th and going into February 2nd I think. We are going to Disney in Orlando Florida. This will be a long list of firsts for me, I have never flown before, I have never been to Disney or to Florida! I am both excited and nervous at the same time. Before this my fear of flying overtook me and I never agreed to go anywhere, but I've become stronger and have a better handle over my fears , so I told Ray " Let's do it, I want to do it, let's go somewhere." and my first choice of where to go was Disney :) My parents and great friend and fellow board member to LLT , Christine, will be coming over and caring for all the animals. I am sure I will have a long list and I will clean everyone right before we leave. I am sure I'll be worried about all of them but they are in great hands. I'll also miss all the cats, and furries, featheries. I know time will fly and I'll be back home to them sooner than I realize.
Now I need to call someone back about Tator Tot the hamster.
Good for you Rachel. My oldest son and his family spent Christmas at Disney World, and loved it. Everyone has to get away from time to time. You always come home recharged.
Rachel, that sounds like a lot of fun for you and Ray! It is good that you have people you can trust with your animals. The "senior" hamsters are really cute.
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