I am sorry for not updating about the runt, Treasure, I know Anita had asked about him. Turns out I made a mistake about this gender , he's a boy not a girl. Which leads me to believe I made mistakes on the others as well. I am new to sexing the rabbits, Dr.Fijas had tried showing me how to do it, but I am still a novice at the whole thing. I am great with hamsters and guinea pigs , I can sex them quickly and with ease and not make any mistakes. Sine there isn't any room to make mistakes with these bunnies, we do not want any reproducing going on, they are all going in to see dr.Fijas on Thursday, he will sex them all for me , and we will have them separated 100% correctly. Treasure the runt boy is having a problem with his tear ducts, they are not "washing" away impurities like they should be, causing a build up. He's especially crusty after he sleeps. He was negative for any infections and his actual eyes and the inside of his eyes is in great shape. The problem is within the tear ducts. I have been rinsing out his eyes with saline solution to flush out gunk, these are Dr.T's instructions. His eyes are looking better. He is going back tomorrow for a re-check with his siblings that are being sexed. I'll ask Dr.T or Dr.Fijas if this will be an ongoing problem for Treasure and if he will always be a special needs bunny.
The hamster did excellent in surgery. He actually didn't have a tumor or abscess , it really was a mass of food that impacted in his cheek pouch. It had felt like an abscess or tumor to Dr.T because of how it was shaped and it was hard. No matter what, it did need to be removed. Dr.T told us it was stinky and could have turned into an infection very quickly. he is now home and healing, he is eating well and active. He is such a sweet hamster , I hope he finds a home when he's all healed and ready to be adoptable again.
Last week , 4 of the female degus found a great home. They came to us because their previous owner became disabled and couldn't care for them anymore. Now they have a huge cage , with levels, it is a degu paradise! They are also being introduced to 2 other degus that are part of their family. Glitter the hamster found a home too. An animal loving couple just adored Glitter, she now has a home with two people who love animals of all different shapes , sizes and species. just like myself :)
Here is a picture of a degu and Glitter.
The hamster did excellent in surgery. He actually didn't have a tumor or abscess , it really was a mass of food that impacted in his cheek pouch. It had felt like an abscess or tumor to Dr.T because of how it was shaped and it was hard. No matter what, it did need to be removed. Dr.T told us it was stinky and could have turned into an infection very quickly. he is now home and healing, he is eating well and active. He is such a sweet hamster , I hope he finds a home when he's all healed and ready to be adoptable again.
Last week , 4 of the female degus found a great home. They came to us because their previous owner became disabled and couldn't care for them anymore. Now they have a huge cage , with levels, it is a degu paradise! They are also being introduced to 2 other degus that are part of their family. Glitter the hamster found a home too. An animal loving couple just adored Glitter, she now has a home with two people who love animals of all different shapes , sizes and species. just like myself :)
Here is a picture of a degu and Glitter.
Rachel, I was wondering - when you take a handful of the little guys in to be neutered, does the doc do it while you wait, or do you drop them off in the morning, and pick them up later? It sounds like you are the vets best customer. :-)
we always drop them off, the doctor normally has many surgeries scheduled for that morning. Then we set up a pick up time in the afternoon. I think We are their best client, I bet we have the thickest file there !
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