Sunday, September 21, 2008

A Bad Time

I am sorry for my absence on this Blog. I have many adoptions to post about, but first I need to deliver other news.
A little over a week ago Life Long Tails was slammed, bashed and attacked. People sent many hurtful words and lies our way, and I don't know why. I am a sensitive person so I took everything to heart. It hurt me deeply and sent me into a depression. My biggest sadness was that I thought ending the rescue was the only solution to never be bashed and hurt again. My heart was shattered at the thought of not rescuing or helping the little pets ever again. Thankfully my job allowed me to take some personal time to gather my thoughts, think it through and dig myself out of the hole I fell into. I have realized that ending Life Long Tails is not the answer or a solution at all. In fact it would harm many small pets in the future that we could help. How can I not help those beautiful guinea pig faces? Those bunny ears? The little hamster paws? The ferret's playfulness? How can I possibly turn away from them in their time of need? I can't , and I won't. We do have a lot of supporters and people who encourage us. We should not stop because a few chosen people who feel the need to lash out and create lies. I will do my very best to ignore it in the future and not let it beat me down. Life Long Tails will now continue, and we are happy with what we are doing.


Anonymous said...

hey Rachel,
Don't give up. You are doing a good thing. I don't know what would have happened to my precious Pringles (Marsh) or my newest addition from you Vincent. Most people don't think that rodents deserve a second chance and we need more people in this world like you who help to give voices to these vulnerable and misunderstood creatures. Keep your head up I'm behind you and I'm sure the many lives you have touched are too!!

Anonymous said...

For everybad person theres 1000 good people. Keep up the good work and dont let em get you down we still support u all the way!


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear that. I look forward to reading your blog and hearing about your adoptions. Keep up the good work!
