Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Motorman's Teeth and Piggie Ear Tag

Motorman had a very rough day yesterday. When Dr.T had Motorman under the anesthesia, he found other teeth that needed to be pulled out. He then had five teeth taken out! My poor boy! It needed to be done though. I just feel for him. He was in surgery for two hours. Dr.T had to work the roots and all out, and Motorman has dis solvable stitches in his mouth. When he arrived home he was still groggy and only wanted to sleep. He can only eat wet food for two weeks, no dry food. He also has pain meds he needs every 12 hours. He is in much better spirits today, he very affectionate. He even joined my under the covers this morning to sleep with me. He is bouncing back, but his lower jaw is swollen and sore looking. I just want him to heal quickly.
We had 4 Guinea pigs surrendered 4 days ago and 3 surrendered yesterday. I will tell everyone more about them tomorrow. I just want to say that I noticed the adult male of the group of 4, has a metal ear tag pierced through his ear! To me this is shocking and I feel for him. That must have been painful and very uncomfortable when it was done. I googled for more information on the tag since I had never seen that before. I guess people that show and breed commonly do this! For identification. There must be a much better way to identify a piggie. A couple web sites say it doesn't hurt them at all when it is done. I find that very hard to believe. It is something else , now, that makes me sad and doesn't sit well in my stomach.

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