Buddy came to us as an unwanted guinea pig with his best friend and cage mate, Baby, the male guinea pig. Buddy has a ruptured eye! He will be having eye removal surgery on Thursday morning. He is now on metacam and Baytril. We are asking for help with funds for Buddy's surgery. We do not know how this happened to Buddy. Thankfully his spirits and appetite have still been well. We are hoping for a successful surgery and a speedy recovery for Buddy.
Thank you to all the wonderful people who wish to donate.
I would post a picture of the eye, but if anyone is like me, I am squeamish about grotesque eye pictures. Just watching over Buddy's injury makes me horrified and I feel so bad for him. Honestly , I haven't taken a picture of it. I do plan on taking post surgery pictures if anyone wants proof of Buddy's plight and surgery. I think he will actually look better after the surgery.
If anyone would like to donate , please send a check payable to Ray and/or Rachel Murphy, to the address - 4 Wellworth Place, Cheektowaga, NY 14225. You can write a note at the bottom or in the envelope that the funds are for Buddy. Once we are incorporated we will be able to cash checks made out to the Rescue's name and we will also have a paypal account for the Rescue. We plan on being incorporated very soon, we just hired a lawyer and the process is underway. We also will be changing the rescue's name to Small pets-Big Hearts right after the incorporation.
Thank you everyone ! I will update on Buddy's condition
The picture is Buddy's good side.
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