First things first: Doug and Gary the hamsters have gone to their forever home! One has already been renamed "Mailbox" by the youngest in the house, and it's obvious that they're going to be getting a lot of love.

Doug and Gary
In anticipation of their pending adoption, the fostered Emma and Tessa the hamsters have gone back to SP-BH headquarters. However, DiNozzo, Gibbs, and McGee the hamsters have gone to a foster home. Pictures of the boys will be posted just as soon as we can get them to sit still! It looks like these three will be a handful of exploration and love.
And in fuzzy arrival news, 4 male and 7 female rats have been surrendered. There are rexes and dumbos, and they're all positively adorable. As always, they will be placed up for adoption when they've been given a clean bill of health by the team at the Seneca Animal Hospital.
In other news, the new website is being worked on right now! There will be fun new pages that include pet care tips, recent adoption stories, and testimonials from people who have adopted from SP-BH. To make the latter two pages work, we'll need to hear from you! So comment on the blog or send an email to rachel(at)smallpets-bighearts(dot)org. Tell us the story, send us a picture, and pretty soon, we'll have them up on the web page.
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