I love to start out with our adoptions this week. Christopher the rabbit has found his forever home. He was waiting since November, 2009. It was worth the wait for him, he now has a loving home and family. Then, S'Mores the guinea pig went home. His new Mom drove here from Erie, PA, just for him. She couldn't resist his cuteness.
Zach the rat has been causing some distress and injuries to his cage mates, Burrito and Gormy. He has been displaying an overbearing, dominant and macho personality and behavior. He is only showing this behavior to his rat friends, with people he is a mushy pants, he loves to be held and loved on. The best way to resolve Zach's issue is a neuter. Neutering a rat normally brings down those hormone levels that cause the dominant behavior. If it doesn't work and he is still mean to Gormy and Burrito, we will then introduce him to some females, he may get along with them better. And since he would be neutered, we won't have pregnancies occurring, which is always a very good thing! We are doing everything we can to prevent having to place Zach by himself. Rat are very social and are the happiest with a rat companion living with them. Zach's neuter is scheduled tomorrow. But we may not see a change his in his behavior towards his rat buddies for a month, it takes that long for hormone levels to subside. I will update on his post-surgery and progress.
I will leave you with a picture of Christopher and S'Mores.
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