It has been a little over a week since the four ferrets arrived at Small pets-Big Hearts, Inc. After an initial vet exam we soon found out they had ear mites, mites and need to gain weight, they are much too thin! Besides this, three of them have adrenal tumors and one had a tumor at the base of his tail. These are pictures taken of Rufus and Dominic right before they went in for surgery. They were in Dr.T's examining room, waiting to be taken in for surgery. Dominic is the one with all the fur, he had the tail removed as well as a tail amputation to make sure none of the tumor was left behind. Rufus is the bald one from the advanced adrenal disease. You can tell just how skinny these ferrets are! It is unfortunate that after exploratory surgery it was found that Rufus's adrenal tumor cannot be removed. He will stay at Small Pets-Big hearts, or with a foster Mom and receive Hospice care. All ferrets have received Revolution for mite treatment and have ivermectin ear drops. They are also eating a much better diet, and in time we hope to see them fill in. Next in line for surgery will be Pheobe and Crimson, they also have adrenal tumors and will need surgery to have them removed. We are raising the funds for their care, please help us in any way you can. They are sweet and deserve every bit!
you can donate on our Chipin web site for the ferrets. Just click - " Chipin"
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