Wednesday, May 23, 2012

update and Mice

Sorry for being MIA for a while. I am battling an upper respiratory infection right now, but seeem to be winning. I'm feeling a little better. Still sad about Valor and we also lost Joseph the guinea pig last week. He went to the vet for a minor surgery and passed away shortly after :( It was a shock to all of us, we miss both little piggies so much. On saturday we took in a Momma mouse and her nine babies and one male mouse The male nouse has his own cage seperate from Momma. We named Momma, Siri, and I hope to have pictures of her and her babies soon. Their backstory is - a lady saved them from some children that were treating them badly, but the lady was unable to keep them herself. After two weeks of tyring to find a home or someone to take themm the lady finally found us. And within the two weeks the one mouse had babies which took their saver by surprise! The male mouse's name is Buck Mouse, he will be adoptable very soon. Momma and babies still need a few weeks, the babies don't even have their eyes open yet.

1 comment:

Joshua Duffy said...

Just sent you a little $$! Love what you do. Praying for all the little babies there!