Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Mr.T the Map Turtle

Mr.T is a map turtle that was brought to us because he had reoccurring foot problems that wouldn't resolve or go away. When he arrived his back foot was swollen and looked quite painful. Despite this, he still had a hearty appetite and was very active. We took him to see Dr.T and found out that he had a very diseased toe and this toe was causing the foot infection to keep coming back even though he had been treated with antibiotics. Dr.T recommended surgery to have the toe removed as soon as possible. He went through this surgery just this Monday, and is doing fabulous!! :) His foot is already not as swollen or puffy looking, it barely is at all. I can see his incision area and stitches, that still looks good, no problems at all. He is still as active as can be. And I hope once his incision area heals up he will also be pain free and very happy. I am hoping Mr.T never has foot problems again. Thank you Dr.Tomaschke for your knowledge , expertise and great hands with surgery, we do not know what we would do without you! You have been and may always be the best veterinarian that has helped us with our pets and rescues.

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