Monday, April 28, 2008

Named the baby Bunnies and More Adoptions :)

I am finished naming all of the baby bunnies, here are the boys names - Memphis, Morsel, Domino, Pocket, Potter, Waffle and Oliver . The girl's names are - Enchanted, Tapioca, Pandora and Gumdrop. The Mom's are Sierra and Chelsea. I have taken pictures of all of them, and they are now in the computer. Got some really cute shots of the babies. I took everyone's individual photo for their Petfinder pages.
Dawn F. adopted Poinsettia the rat, she was Mom to 2 litters of unwanted babies and we went ahead and had her spayed. Dawn is going to try and introduce her to her rat , Kelso, since he is alone and needs a buddy. With Ponsettia being spayed , Kelso cannot impregnate her, no worries there.
Camelot and Gabriel have also been adopted. They are a pair of wonderful cockatiels that were given up because their owner was moving away. Their new Mom loves cockatiels and already has one that had been rescued.
Mikey, Max, Gus and Spike the sugar glider were adopted together this weekend! :) I am so happy that this foursome was not split up and someone fantastic was willing to keep the group together and adopt all four. Brian drove here from Albany , NY to adopt his new family members. He has a soft spot for old man Spike the glider who is 9 to 10 years old. They traveled home in a pouch inside a small carrier, and had a great trip. They are home now and will stay a bonded foursome. I am thrilled.
Benjamin the bunny is going through quite the shed right now, his fur is coming out in clumps. too bad he doesn't seem to want me to brush him at all, I'm trying, but he hops away in a huff. I've just scooped out some tofu into each of the hamster's and rat's cages, they are all nibbling and gorging on it. How they love tofu. I really can't say the same though, it has such a strange texture to it.
I have added pictures of camelot and Gabriel the cockatiels. Mikey and Gus the glider. The single glider out of the pouch is Spike the older sugar glider. Then I added an adorable picture of Enchanted and Domino the baby bunnies. Enjoy :)

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Hamster Homes

A few hamsters have been adopted , YAY! Moe and Denzel were adopted last week. Their new Mom loves them very much. Also, Zip the hamster was adopted too. Way to go little hammies!

We also have a couple new arrivals, a painted turtle and a gerbil by the name of Oscar.

Here are pictures of Zip, Moe and Denzel

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Forgot Kringle and Yuletide, 11 baby bunnies

I forgot an adoption from the post yesterday. Kringle and Yuletide the male rats were adopted :) They were the last two boys from Poinsettia's litters. Their new Mom and Dad are truly remarkable, they love lots of different pets , especially the rats. Kringle became an easy going, friendly, although plump and large rat. While Yuletide is slimmer, but nervous and skittish. With love , attention and patience I know that Yuletide will trust and love his new family and become an attention hog just like his brother.
All 11 baby bunnies went in to see Dr.Fijas today to find out who is boy and who is girl. Since I did have Treasure wrong, I thought she was a girl and he was actually a boy. Dr.Fijas showed me a while ago , how to tell them apart, but I am new to sexing bunnies, I am definitely not a pro at it yet. I am great with sexing guinea pigs, hamsters, rats and sugar gliders are easy, gerbils and degus are fairly easy to me too. I can tell most turtles and lizards as well. But bunnies are different, ( unless they are un neutered and their testicles have descended) young bunnies can look very much alike to the untrained eye. I hope to become trained and certain with sexing them very soon. Turns out I only had one mistake in the bunch. I had sexed them into groups of 8 boys and 3 girls. One of the boys was actually a girl, everyone else was right on! So, out of 12 bunnies I had two wrong, not too bad for my first time doing it myself. before this , I just took them right to Dr.T or Dr.Fijas to sex them for me. This time I tried first, then had Dr.Fijas find any mistakes. ( there isn't any room for mistakes with them, we want to ensure no more litters) The day will come where I can sex them with the ease I do with hamsters :) I separated their large pen enclosure with a grid partition, boys on one side girls on the other. The Mom's can be spayed real soon. And the babies can be fixed in another couple of weeks. Here is another picture of them within the first week of them arriving. I will take new pictures of them today, they have grown so much.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

JoJo, Boris and Natasha, Pumpkin Pie, new hamsters and guinea pigs

This will be a happier post for today. Although my heart still weeps over the loss of Treasure.
JoJo the Quaker parrot who arrived sometime in January, right after we arrived back from our Florida vacation, found her forever home last Monday. My cousin, his fiance and 2 daughters drove here from Corning , NY. The Fiance , Dina loved JoJo from the start, and it was apparent the feeling was mutual. JoJo has always showed behavior at being a one person bird , but she went right to Dina, she stepped up, perched on her shoulder and gave her kisses. She happily bobbed her head up and down and cooed and purred, and she laughed when they laughed. She even gave the daughters kisses and let them pet her head. JoJo choose them , that's for sure, I have never seen her so happy, it made me tear up. The two daughters scrunched into the back seat of the car while JoJo was strapped in the back seat with her cage. She made a safe trip to Corning where she is home now. Since JoJo is with family I can easily keep in touch with her and how she is doing:)
Boris and Natasha were also adopted last week Monday. A male and female pair , their owners were moving to Texas and couldn't bring them along with. A ferret loving gentleman in PA was searching for a brother and sister pair, I let him know about Boris and Natasha. he also fell in love with them. Boris's playful , bouncy nature and Natasha's easy going , cuddly nature. It is a shame that I didn't take any pictures of Boris , Natasha or JoJo. I did not place them on Petfinder at all, we received calls looking for them before I even took pictures. I regret not taking any before they left. I will request some pictures from their new families.
Yesterday , Pumpkin Pie the hamster found his home too. he was waiting for his loving family for a while. His litter mates had been adopted but not him :( A wonderful couple came to see him and loved his adorableness , fluffy fur and the way he cleaned himself in the palm of their hands. I do have a picture of him , I will place it in this post.
Two new guinea pigs arrived today, Claire and Juliette. They are both females ( I am sure you can tell by the names) They were a gift for a little girl and she developed bad allergies to them. They are only 5 months old. I will get them in to see Dr.T or Dr.Fijas , make sure they are healthy before we place them up for adoption. Also arrived are 5 hamsters, all from accidental litters. We have Mom, 3 daughters and 2 sons. I haven't come up with names for them yet.
We have also uploaded pictures of the sugar gliders, June Bug, Belle, Max, Mikey, Gus and Spike. The two turtles, Razz and Rosebud. And two dwarf hamsters Skippy and Alex. All of them will be added to petfinder very soon. I'll add a photo of super cuteness, two gliders snuggling together, Belle and June Bug.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Runt is no longer with us

I do not want to give this news, I am broken up and broken hearted. The little runt, Treasure, died today.. I had no idea he was even that sick or near ...death, he gave me no indication. a week ago I saw his eyes were closed and crusty. I had to help him open them up. I got him in to see Dr.T the next day, and he actually spent the day there while he ran X-rays and tests on him. The vet techs and asistants fell in love with him. Myself and My Mom did too. Everything was negetive for anything wrong with him, he didn't have any infections, nothing respiratory or anything wrong with hiseyes as far as complications or infections. Dr.T only found that his tear ducts don't produce tears the way they should, so they don't "wash" the eyes clean of gunk. So, I cleaned his eyes out with saline solution every day. his eyes started to look really good, he always had a great appetite, ate well, drank great, active , pooped like normal, normal breathing, etc I had separated him from all his siblings in case he was contageous, after I found out he wasn't I still kept him by himself until his eyes were in better shape. I was giong to put him back with his siblings today, he looked that good.. I never would have thought. I literally gasped in shock and sadness when i found him laying there today. I can't even say how much this hurts. I will be taking his little body to Seneca Animal Hospital tomorrow so Dr. Fijas ( Dr.T is on vacation) can do a necropsy, maybe we can find out more about what happened. We will still receive him back so we can bury him, we will place him right near Zachary and other bunnies like Melissa, Natalia and old man Butterscotch. The staff at the hospital will be very sad too, I am sure. I wish this was not a part of rescue, and I am glad it doesn't happen that often, but when it does it is hard to deal with and bounce back from.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Treasure, hamster and adoptions

I am sorry for not updating about the runt, Treasure, I know Anita had asked about him. Turns out I made a mistake about this gender , he's a boy not a girl. Which leads me to believe I made mistakes on the others as well. I am new to sexing the rabbits, Dr.Fijas had tried showing me how to do it, but I am still a novice at the whole thing. I am great with hamsters and guinea pigs , I can sex them quickly and with ease and not make any mistakes. Sine there isn't any room to make mistakes with these bunnies, we do not want any reproducing going on, they are all going in to see dr.Fijas on Thursday, he will sex them all for me , and we will have them separated 100% correctly. Treasure the runt boy is having a problem with his tear ducts, they are not "washing" away impurities like they should be, causing a build up. He's especially crusty after he sleeps. He was negative for any infections and his actual eyes and the inside of his eyes is in great shape. The problem is within the tear ducts. I have been rinsing out his eyes with saline solution to flush out gunk, these are Dr.T's instructions. His eyes are looking better. He is going back tomorrow for a re-check with his siblings that are being sexed. I'll ask Dr.T or Dr.Fijas if this will be an ongoing problem for Treasure and if he will always be a special needs bunny.
The hamster did excellent in surgery. He actually didn't have a tumor or abscess , it really was a mass of food that impacted in his cheek pouch. It had felt like an abscess or tumor to Dr.T because of how it was shaped and it was hard. No matter what, it did need to be removed. Dr.T told us it was stinky and could have turned into an infection very quickly. he is now home and healing, he is eating well and active. He is such a sweet hamster , I hope he finds a home when he's all healed and ready to be adoptable again.
Last week , 4 of the female degus found a great home. They came to us because their previous owner became disabled and couldn't care for them anymore. Now they have a huge cage , with levels, it is a degu paradise! They are also being introduced to 2 other degus that are part of their family. Glitter the hamster found a home too. An animal loving couple just adored Glitter, she now has a home with two people who love animals of all different shapes , sizes and species. just like myself :)
Here is a picture of a degu and Glitter.

Sunday, April 6, 2008


Our little runt bunny has something going on with her eyes. This is the runt of all 12 baby bunnies, and I just checked her out and discovered she is a girl. But today her eyes are goopy and crusty. She is breathing normal, eating well, drinking well, pooping normal, etc. Her eyes just don't look well. I am worried about her. I'll be bringing her in along with the hamster , she I take him for his tumor removal. I do not want to wait with this little one, even a "minor" symptom can be urgent and quickly turn into something more and worse. Please, keep little runt in your thoughts along with the hamster going for surgery. Now she needs a name. I have found that among all the baby bunnies there are 5 girls and 7 boys, then we also have the 2 moms ( females). They all need names, but I will name the runt right now,
her name will be , Treasure :)

Surgeries and Adoptions

It has been a while since I updated, a lot has happened.
Last week Monday was a spay and neuter day. 4 sugar gliders were neutered, Mikey, Max, Gus and June Bug. They did great, they were back to their normal playful selves in no time. June Bug is his usual crabby self, he likes to make a lot of noise, but in reality he is a sweetie pie. Only one male wasn't neutered, Spike, he is an older fellow and there is too much risk under the anesthesia. In another week all of the gliders will be adoptable. Poinsettia the rat was spayed, she was surrendered to us because she had an oops litter of babies, only to arrive here already pregnant again, and once again had an oops litter. We decided to have her spayed due to the fact that female rats are prone to mammary tumors. A spay surgery, prevents these awful tumors, hopefully keeping Poinsettia a healthy rat. We would love to spay and neuter all the rats, but our funds are not large enough to budget that many alterations. We always stick to fixing rabbits and male sugar gliders, we will alter rats when the money allows. We always keep a certain amount for emergencies. Thank you everyone for your support and donations that make altering, surgeries and the best of care for the rescues possible :)
Also on Monday, Fezz rat who has spent many months with his foster Mom Dawn F, became seriously ill. His breathing was labored , and Dawn and I became increasingly worried. he was responding to the medications prescribed for him. After chest X-rays, it was revealed that a mass was the problem. I believe Dawn told me it was near his heart. Even if we opted to try and treat his condition, he only would have gone downhill and suffered. The best and humane decision for him was for him to be put to sleep. We needed to let him go so he would find peace and not suffer anymore. We are thankful to Dawn for her tender care for Fez . Fez had lived with Kelso, and now Kelso is lonely, depressed and lost. Dawn is interested in Poinsettia, she will adopt her and try introducing her to Kelso. Ponsettia will be safe from his "manliness" since she is spayed. We are hoping they will make a good pair and Kelso will find happiness and company in his life again. I believe Dawn is also planning on adopting and keeping Kelso too :)
On Friday , I took 2 turtles, 2 finches , and a hamster in to see Dr.T. The turtles had a check up, they do have deformed shells because of malnutrition and poor husbandry , but this is irreversible. They are healthy otherwise, a bit obese, but healthy. The finches are on antibiotics , they have an upper respiratory infection. They are already showing signs of improvement. The hamster went in for a lump near or in his cheek pouch. Turns out it is a tumor or an abscess, either way it needs to be removed or else it will get bigger and will be a problem for him. I was so happy to hear Dr.T say that it can be easily removed , YAY! On Monday he will go in for the surgery. Please send the hamster well wishes for his surgery.
I do have some adoptions to tell everyone about, but I am running out of time. I have bunnies to clean and sex, figure out boys and girls that is ......