Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Pre Vet Visit

I am going to be leaving for the vet in about an hour. I am taking Dixie the hamster that was surrendered because her leg got caught in the cage bars. Her first vet exam went well, the vet said the skin would heal and she would be okay. Now, all that skin is gone! I do not know if it fell off or she chewed it off. I feel she may have her leg amputated today. I am also taking Mink the ferret for a rabies vaccine and check-up. And Stoat the ferret for a check up. Two mice, Capricorn and Leo are going , they had large lumps on their bodies when they arrived ( shortly ago) and still do. And Valor the guinea pig is going in for his two week check -up and to see if he does have another abscess. I will have my hands full. I do hope everyone checks out well, and all issues are treatable.

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