Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Ziggy and Chippy

Little Ziggy the guinea pig passed away on Monday :( I was syringe feeding her ciritcal care, water and viamin C. She was munching on some food but had not pooped yet over the weekend. I was quite worried about this and set my alarm to wake up early on Monday morning to make a vet appointment for her. When I checked on her Monday morning, I celebrated because there were many poops in her cage. I also decided to not make the appointment and take her to the appointment I already had for her later in the week. I went back to bed. In the afternoon , I picked her up to feed her and noticed right away something was wrong. She was limp and started to drag her back legs!! Her breathing was rapid and her heart rate was rapid. I called the vet immediately and got an appointment for an hour later. But she passed away within five mionutes after that call. I am really beating myself up for not making the appointment that morning. I was just so relieved and happy to see she had pooped, I thought she would feel better and do better after that. Her sister , Chippy I noticed was dragging one of her back legs. Considering what happened to Ziggy I got Chippy in to see Dr.Reed yesterday morning. Chippy's exam turned out really well, the back leg problem is lack of vitamin C in the diet she was on previously. She has some scurvy. She is getting her red and green peppers, a much better pelleted diet than before and liquid vitamin C.

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