Two of our cats have been stuffed up and sneezy. In fact for a month we thought martie had an upper respiratory infection, he has been on Clavamox for three weeks and a week on something else, I think it was called simplicef. his mucus started out clear , then green , now it has been just been whitish and clear for weeks now. He just sounds stuffed up and sneezes once in a while. He went to see Dr.T yesterday with Martie and talked about Motorman who started sneezing on Monday, here is what I wrote in an e-mail about them both-
I think it is in the air this season, two of our cats don't have full blown respiratory infections but are having sinus problems. Martie the cat has had it for over a month and we thought it was a URI and he has been on antibiotics for the full month. We ( Martie and I) went to see Dr.T yesterday and Dr.T says there is a no way it is a URI at this point and defintely not contageous, because I mentioned how Motorman is sneezing and stuffed up now. He told us Martie may have chronic sinus problems this time of the year ( Marite is new to us, we adopted him just a few months ago) or he may have something stuck up in his sinuses that won't break down or a polyp that needs to be removed. Martie has an appointment now, he will be sedated so Dr.T can look into his sinuses and see if anything is there, plus he will flush out the mucus. Motorman has always had a problem with allergies this season , he overgrooms himself and gets all stuffy and runny ( in his nose). He has been licking off his fur more than usual and is quite sneezy and wheezy. Motorman is now on Prednisone, this always works for him temporarily since we have had him on it before. He stops licking off his fur and he clears right up. Bad news is, he can't stay on Prednisone all the time. We just hope this helps him through the really bad season and make him more comfortable.
Both kitties are acting normal, very active and lovable, and they are eating and drinking and playing.. I just want their noses cleared up. Hopefuly the procedure will help Martie and the Prednisone will help Motorman soon, he gets his first dose tonight when Ray, the hubby gets home. I hold Motorman while he opens his mouth and drops the pill in :)
Here is a picture of Motorman chewing on a carboard scratcher ( after it has been destroyed by scratching and tearing it apart) you can see on his right foreleg where tend to overgroom his fur off. he also overgrooms his belly. He's my firstborn ;) the very first cat I adopted, he is 12 years old now.
My husband, myself and our dogs are always stuffed up also, especially in the spring and fall. I would like to buy a decent air purifier that would take some of the dust, and whatever else that's bad for sinuses, out of our air, but I've read that most of them either don't do a good job, or have too much ozone for pets, etc., etc. Or they cost an arm and a leg. A person just doesn't know what to do. Bummer. Those pretty kitties look so pretty and sleek Rachel.
I wonder with the heaters in the house going on after no use for months, brought out a lot of dust from in the duct work. Maybe that is what causing so many problems with the kitties?? Maybe we need our ducts cleaned. I only have a small air purifier in the bird room, it is meant for one small room. It does gather up a lot of dust and dander, but a lot still settles, even on the walls. I am not sure how much of a difference an air purifier really makes.
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