So far I have been spending the day cleaning hamster cages, then I need to clean fiona's cage and guinea pig cages. I gave the guinea pigs some canteloupe yesterday , they loved it!
This is a picture of Jack and Davy Jone's cage after I cleaned it. Both Jack and Davy Jones have recently been adopted, and they are doing fantastic. I like these pictures that they show all the "fun" they had in the cage , the toys , feece, hammocks, tubes. for any rat owners and lovers this may help with you with fun ideas for your furry friend. If anyone else would like to give me some idea for more fun, let me know, I can add it for future rat rescues.
This is a picture of Jack and Davy Jone's cage after I cleaned it. Both Jack and Davy Jones have recently been adopted, and they are doing fantastic. I like these pictures that they show all the "fun" they had in the cage , the toys , feece, hammocks, tubes. for any rat owners and lovers this may help with you with fun ideas for your furry friend. If anyone else would like to give me some idea for more fun, let me know, I can add it for future rat rescues.
A great site on all rat info AND rat toy ideas (there are many) is http://www.dapper.com.au/ they have great stories on there very own rats too.
http://www.dapper.com.au/toys.htm (for toys)
the 1rst link is for the hompage of the site
Look up dapper rat on google and u will get a fantastic site on all things rat and a HUGE thing on rat toys.
Thank you Lyra, it was a huge page on toy ideas and games , very nice.
It reminded me that I haven't played "fishing for peas" with the rats yet. The only rat in the house right now is our own rat, Carlton, who wouldn't bond with other rats. He seeks a lot of attention from me and hubby, Ray. So fun games are always good for Carlton. And I am sure that new rats and ratlets will arrive here in the future, looking for games and searching for toys.
They've always loved the empty kleenex box to go inside of and chew. Don't tell Carlton I said this, he's a bit too fat to fit in an empty kleenex box, I tell him he is just big boned :)
Lol yeah i have 2 rats Avery and Zorro and they love playing all thease games. Avery and Zorro used to be very good friends but they recently started fighting and now they r seperated. I still try to give them both enough attention even know its harder that there seprerated. Do u have a pic of Carlton? I'd love to see him and his big boned self :)
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