Here is a picture of our rat boy, Carlton, Lyra requested his picture. He is friendly with people but wouldn't bond with any other ratties. He was either petrified of the new rat to the point where he would squeal when the new rat came near and then fly to the other side of the cage in pure terror. Or he would be the dominant rat and beat up the new rat and cause wounds. He is a friendly mush ball with me, I can take him out and snuggle with him.
The two hamster litters that were born a couple weeks ago from the female that arrived with 2 boys in the cage with them, now have their eyes open and are moving all about. I took some pictures, many of them came out blurry, but I'll see what is salvageable. I'll be downloading pictures tomorrow.
The three sugar gliders are gorgeous, they are getting used to their new environment and all the new smells. They are eating great too, they devour everything I place in their bowls at night. They have eaten, cantaloupe, carrots, apples, cucumber, baby food, a dry fruit mix, their pellet food and I sprinkle the repcal and herpvite supplement on their food. They really dig in! only one of them is neutered. The other two have an appointment on Wednesday the 19th to be neutered.
A Momma rat and her litter of babies also were dropped off during the week. There are 10 babies, and here's the kicker, only one baby is female , all the rest are boys! The babies were already old enough to be away from Mom, so I separated them by gender. When I saw Momma, I had a feeling she was already pregnant again.. obviously the male (Father) wasn't taken away in time. She just had another litter of babies yesterday, yikes! Maybe we can find homes for all these babies before the newest ones are ready to be adopted. In the spirit of Christmas I gave the Mom and babies Christmas themed names. Mom is Poinsettia and her daughter is Noel. The boys are Tinsel, Yuletide, Rudolph, Gingerbread, Jingle Bell, Egg Nog, Figgy Pudding and Snow Man. I only need to think of one more name for a boy, I am thinking Chris Kringle.
We also had one more group of arrivals, baby bunnies! A wonderful person rescued these three bunnies from a horrible backyard breeder. By her description all the bunnies are out in the freezing cold, and granted , rabbits can live through some real cold, but my thoughts on it are: why should they be forced to go through when they can be indoors? Especially when their drinking water freezes! I was also told the hutches were just about falling apart , were filthy dirty and all the bunnies were in cramped overpopulated conditions. It breaks my heart and makes me mad, I wish I had the legal status and resources to shut the place down and find a sanctuary and homes for all the bunnies, but I don't. The local SPCA will be and has been notified about this person. I called myself. But I am not sure what can be done, she does provide food water and shelter for the bunnies, but the rescuer told me she doesn't EVER take them to the vet! I don't even want to think about that. I know I can't save and help them all and the wonderful rescuer couldn't either, but helping these three bunnies means the world to them. They have a chance now and are warm and safe. One is a Holland Lop, I have named him/her Almond. And one may be a jersey wooly and I have named him/her , Pizazz. The other is a breed I am not sure about and I have yet to come up with a name, I will though. I will soon have an appointment for Dr.T to sex them for me and look them over then they will be altered.
That's it for now, all I can say is that are home is now full, and we cannot take in anymore until some adoptions take place.
The two hamster litters that were born a couple weeks ago from the female that arrived with 2 boys in the cage with them, now have their eyes open and are moving all about. I took some pictures, many of them came out blurry, but I'll see what is salvageable. I'll be downloading pictures tomorrow.
The three sugar gliders are gorgeous, they are getting used to their new environment and all the new smells. They are eating great too, they devour everything I place in their bowls at night. They have eaten, cantaloupe, carrots, apples, cucumber, baby food, a dry fruit mix, their pellet food and I sprinkle the repcal and herpvite supplement on their food. They really dig in! only one of them is neutered. The other two have an appointment on Wednesday the 19th to be neutered.
A Momma rat and her litter of babies also were dropped off during the week. There are 10 babies, and here's the kicker, only one baby is female , all the rest are boys! The babies were already old enough to be away from Mom, so I separated them by gender. When I saw Momma, I had a feeling she was already pregnant again.. obviously the male (Father) wasn't taken away in time. She just had another litter of babies yesterday, yikes! Maybe we can find homes for all these babies before the newest ones are ready to be adopted. In the spirit of Christmas I gave the Mom and babies Christmas themed names. Mom is Poinsettia and her daughter is Noel. The boys are Tinsel, Yuletide, Rudolph, Gingerbread, Jingle Bell, Egg Nog, Figgy Pudding and Snow Man. I only need to think of one more name for a boy, I am thinking Chris Kringle.
We also had one more group of arrivals, baby bunnies! A wonderful person rescued these three bunnies from a horrible backyard breeder. By her description all the bunnies are out in the freezing cold, and granted , rabbits can live through some real cold, but my thoughts on it are: why should they be forced to go through when they can be indoors? Especially when their drinking water freezes! I was also told the hutches were just about falling apart , were filthy dirty and all the bunnies were in cramped overpopulated conditions. It breaks my heart and makes me mad, I wish I had the legal status and resources to shut the place down and find a sanctuary and homes for all the bunnies, but I don't. The local SPCA will be and has been notified about this person. I called myself. But I am not sure what can be done, she does provide food water and shelter for the bunnies, but the rescuer told me she doesn't EVER take them to the vet! I don't even want to think about that. I know I can't save and help them all and the wonderful rescuer couldn't either, but helping these three bunnies means the world to them. They have a chance now and are warm and safe. One is a Holland Lop, I have named him/her Almond. And one may be a jersey wooly and I have named him/her , Pizazz. The other is a breed I am not sure about and I have yet to come up with a name, I will though. I will soon have an appointment for Dr.T to sex them for me and look them over then they will be altered.
That's it for now, all I can say is that are home is now full, and we cannot take in anymore until some adoptions take place.
gezz ur so busy i hope some animals get adopted before the holidays! (Do u adopt out animals for christmas? Some rescue places dont because they fear that the kids will lose intrest and bring the animals right back.)Thats so sad about the rabbits who leaves there animals out in the cold :( Im glad u guy could help tho. Good luck with everybody!
We will adopt out a pet as a Christmas gift for a child only if the parent's are inolved and are okay with the new family member. With all chidren's pets I need to know that an adult will take part in caring for the pet at all times.
I also will not adopt out any pets as "suprise" gifts, the adopted pets has to be wanted and prepared for. Meaning the person whom the pet is for and other families have to know the pet is arriving and is okay with it, and are ready for the pet's arrival. As long as these things are all good I do not mind a pet being a Christmas gift, a new friend and family member can be a wonderful Christmas addition, as long as it is planned for and there is a life long commitment :)
Hope that made sense Lyra, I tend to babble
Yeah i definently agree. An animal is a family memeber not a toy.Happy Holidays in the meantime!
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