Today, Noel the baby girl rat was adopted. Noel was the only girl from the group of ten baby rats. She has wonderful Mom now and hopefully, very soon , she will bond with her friend Mee-too the girl rat.
Now that I think of it, I am not sure if I wrote about Tinsel the rat being adopted, did I? Tinsel has been adopted too, one of the baby boy rats. He is now good friends with Stanley the rat, formerly known as Will. Will was adopted from us, he was one of the three that were neutered. Tinsel's new Mom wrote us saying that Stanley and Tinsel are already grooming and playing with each other.
Here are pictures of Tinsel ( the lighter cream colored one) and Noel ( darker)
We picked up an unwanted ferret today. His name is Scout and he is three years old and a Marshall's ferret , the tattoo in the ear gives that away. this person was given Scout when she didn't even want him in the first place :( poor Scout. He was in a little cage, that was dirty and falling apart. I have already moved him into a multi-level cage with toys and hammocks and sleep sacks. So far he seems to be a very friendly and love able boy , I can't believe he has been given up twice, I don't understand it. I know we won't have a problem finding him that perfect forever home he wants.
A few days ago we were brought two cockatiels. I was told they are male and female, and they have mated and layed eggs together although the eggs have never hatched. We don't support or want breeding , but I would not want to split these two up they have been together for quite some time. Too bad there isn't spay/neuter for birds. The male is a grey and his name is Camelot. The female is a lutino and her name is Gabriel.
If I don't post before hand happy holidays everyone! :):)
Actually you can get birds neutered it's just considered riskier and since the eggs are easily destroyed, not necessary.
If these birds are not producing fertile eggs it may not be a male/female pair (remember Snack, who appeared male but was a female with ovarian cancer?) or there may be at least one sick bird involved.
hello Flare,
Of course I remember Snack. I remember it was sadly too late to find out that diagnosis, even though a there may not have been any treatment. It would have been better for you and for Snack to have found out sooner. Many times even after testing a diagnosis cannot be found, not until a necropsy can be done. And even then sometimes a necrposy doesn't show the real culprit behind the loss.
Snack was special, a female that was cloaked behind male feathering.
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