Two of the guinea pig girls, June and Summer were adopted together yesterday. June was Mom to Summer , so they got along very well with each other. I am excited that they will always have each other. Their new Mom and her daughter researched guinea pig care fully before adopting. They also made a CC cage, it is 6 by 2' has 2 igloos inside if they would like to get away from each other plus they have oxbow cavy cuisine food and timothy hay to munch on at all times. They had all of this prepared before picking up their new family members. This is true commitment and love for their new pets. I know Summer and June will love their new place.
I wrote up a little bit on our web site under recent news, about the new bunny bunch we have. So. in case you read or have read this already on our web site, I apologize for the repeat - We now have a whole rabbit family here. Someone had two female rabbits, and she was given another rabbit, she was told this rabbit was female. She figured it was safe to place the new rabbit with her girls... come to find out the new rabbit was a male. Both female rabbits had a litter of babies and total 12 babies in all. We now have both Moms plus their little ones. The person decided to rehome all her bunnies because of allergy problems. The male is on Petfinder right now, his name is Frank. All of the babies are already eating hay and pellets. One litter is smaller and younger than the other because there was 2 to 3 weeks in between each being born. It will be a process before any of these babies are adoptable. They need to be at least 12 weeks old before they can be spayed or neutered. We will also get the Mom's spayed, but they are still nursing, they aren't ready to be spayed. Let me tell ya, they eat a lot, a heaping mound of timothy hay is devoured in a few hours. That is good though, they are healthy and eating well. They are also getting alfalfa that baby buns and nursing Mom's need. This is an adorable picture of one of the babies, caught him with hay on it's way into the mouth. And a picture of the tiny runt.
I am working on the next newsletter, I have the first page finished. A couple more pages to go, and then I need to fold and envelope the rest. If anyone is willing to help me with folding and enveloping, I would sooo love the help. This is the process that takes the most time for me to do. I always finish the animal care first, and with what time is left, I squeeze in some folding and enveloping. This takes me many nights and can last me weeks before I finish them all. please e-mail me if anyone would like to help out, we can play with the cats and rescues while you're here :) Warning- the cats like to help, if you know what I mean.
We also have two new turtles here, they are red eared sliders. I will write more into detail about them the next entry.
I wrote up a little bit on our web site under recent news, about the new bunny bunch we have. So. in case you read or have read this already on our web site, I apologize for the repeat - We now have a whole rabbit family here. Someone had two female rabbits, and she was given another rabbit, she was told this rabbit was female. She figured it was safe to place the new rabbit with her girls... come to find out the new rabbit was a male. Both female rabbits had a litter of babies and total 12 babies in all. We now have both Moms plus their little ones. The person decided to rehome all her bunnies because of allergy problems. The male is on Petfinder right now, his name is Frank. All of the babies are already eating hay and pellets. One litter is smaller and younger than the other because there was 2 to 3 weeks in between each being born. It will be a process before any of these babies are adoptable. They need to be at least 12 weeks old before they can be spayed or neutered. We will also get the Mom's spayed, but they are still nursing, they aren't ready to be spayed. Let me tell ya, they eat a lot, a heaping mound of timothy hay is devoured in a few hours. That is good though, they are healthy and eating well. They are also getting alfalfa that baby buns and nursing Mom's need. This is an adorable picture of one of the babies, caught him with hay on it's way into the mouth. And a picture of the tiny runt.
I am working on the next newsletter, I have the first page finished. A couple more pages to go, and then I need to fold and envelope the rest. If anyone is willing to help me with folding and enveloping, I would sooo love the help. This is the process that takes the most time for me to do. I always finish the animal care first, and with what time is left, I squeeze in some folding and enveloping. This takes me many nights and can last me weeks before I finish them all. please e-mail me if anyone would like to help out, we can play with the cats and rescues while you're here :) Warning- the cats like to help, if you know what I mean.
We also have two new turtles here, they are red eared sliders. I will write more into detail about them the next entry.
Rachel, I'm always impressed with the pretty pics you take of the "critters". Nice blankies in the background especially. You must have a bunch of them!!
As usual, I'm a big fan of your work.
Wow, I have fans :) I never thought that day would happen. Thank you Barb, as usually you warm up my days.
The blankets in the background of the pictures are pieces of fleece. I go to Jo-Ann fabrics and buy a couple yards of a color I don't have or a pattern that is cute. It doesn't cost much and I browse the clarence stuff. I also use the fleece for inside the hamster cages, the dwarf hamsters love to sleep underneath the fleece blankets. Then I add "props" to the pictures, usually a stuffed animal or two or some cat toys. The cats do like to steal the props away before I get all the pictures done. I learned that this makes a cute picture from a bunny rescue I'll search for that site, theyhave VERY cute bunny pictures. ANd I have found that cute pictures that show off the adopted pet really helps them find a home :) Now to take care of the problem with red eye from the camera flash. I try correcting it on photo shop but then the eye looks fake. I guess I am still learning.
here is the web site to the bunny rescue that takes such adorable pictures of adoptable bunnies http://www.therabbithaven.org/adoption_showcase.htm#bunnies
They are a wonderful rescue team and I wish they weren't so far away. I've spoken to their director , Heather, and she is such a sweet woman. I noticed their use of colored and patterned backgrounds and props in pictures so I thought I'd try it, and it ha such nice results. I know my pictures will never be as cute and perfect as theirs but I am still new and practicing. I might get it some day.
Wow, I had to bookmark Heather's site, as it's really extensive. She does have a lot of props. I recognize some of the baby toys, and they're not cheap. She's gone to a lot of trouble, too.
However, your pics are just as pretty Rachel. Never sell yourself short - you are doing a remarkable job.
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