Our road trip to Pennsylvania went fantastic! We got the two rats, dwarf hamster and the two sugar gliders in cozy safe carriers ( separately of course) and got them secured in the car. Mario and Luigi , the sugar glider's cage just fit in the back seat. I brought a couple of books to read along the way while Ray did all the driving and used his new GPS system for the first time. Along the way we met up with Rudolph and Ginger Bread the rat's new Mom and Pip the Hamster's new Mom. We enjoyed meeting them and talking with them over lunch, such nice animal lovers. We have heard from Samantha too on how the rat boys are doing. They are slowly coming out of their shell and gaining trust , and their new names are Pipkin and Fiver after Watership Down characters. A few more hours of driving and we arrived at Allentown , PA, where Mario and Luigi are now located. They have a nice cozy home, where their new Mom Ashley spends her days and nights with these nocturnal fuzz balls. Ashley has let us know that Mario is a very active glider who gets into mischief and Luigi is more reserved and is already bonding with her. They also have many new toys and good treats to eat. We had nice weather for the drive and I loved seeing all the hills in PA. Nothing beats coming home to the cats and our furry, feathery and scaly family though, I could never stay away from them for long.
Today we went to the vet clinic and saw Dr.T. I brought in Jojo the Quaker for a check up, he checked over her feather picked areas, mainly her legs, under her wings and on the shoulders of her wings. Underneath her wings there are some old scabs and Dr.T wants us to hold onto Jojo for a little while to keep an eye on those areas and make they fully heal up and the scabs fall off. He also checked for infection , and she doesn't have an infection going on. She just needs to leave that area alone and let it heal all the way. She received a ton of kisses and head scratches today :) I also took one of the male degus, some of the degus have bald and patchy areas, and I wanted to make sure it wasn't caused by mites or lice. There aren't any of these present , Dr.T is 100 percent certain that the fur loss and patchy fur is from barbering. The cagemates are over grooming. One degu is over grooming another degu's face and backside areas a little too much. Dr.T explained to me this can be caused by boredom or stress, but many times it is just a degu partner getting over zealous about cleaning their friend and taking it too far. All in all it was a good vet visit, I am sure that Jojo's wing area will heal all the way, it is almost healed up already.
Good night everyone, I'll leave you with pictures of the newly adopted rat boys, Pip the hamster and Mario and Luigi.
Today we went to the vet clinic and saw Dr.T. I brought in Jojo the Quaker for a check up, he checked over her feather picked areas, mainly her legs, under her wings and on the shoulders of her wings. Underneath her wings there are some old scabs and Dr.T wants us to hold onto Jojo for a little while to keep an eye on those areas and make they fully heal up and the scabs fall off. He also checked for infection , and she doesn't have an infection going on. She just needs to leave that area alone and let it heal all the way. She received a ton of kisses and head scratches today :) I also took one of the male degus, some of the degus have bald and patchy areas, and I wanted to make sure it wasn't caused by mites or lice. There aren't any of these present , Dr.T is 100 percent certain that the fur loss and patchy fur is from barbering. The cagemates are over grooming. One degu is over grooming another degu's face and backside areas a little too much. Dr.T explained to me this can be caused by boredom or stress, but many times it is just a degu partner getting over zealous about cleaning their friend and taking it too far. All in all it was a good vet visit, I am sure that Jojo's wing area will heal all the way, it is almost healed up already.
Good night everyone, I'll leave you with pictures of the newly adopted rat boys, Pip the hamster and Mario and Luigi.
I still check out your blog several times a week...just don't post much. I've been feeling crappy myself. High Blood pressure and can't find a med without horrible side effects. We just gotta hang in there, don't we Rachel?? You take care.
we love having you here Barb :)
I was once on a betta blocker for my low blood pressure, and I think it is used for high blood pressure as well. I did have a bad side effect to that med... have you been on that one?
Yep - tried 2 beta blockers: Toprol XL and Atenolol...the gruesome nightmares and the feeling that a drum was pounding in my head were 2 of the worst side effects. I'm on an "ARB" now (don't ask...) called Avalide, and for the 5th day now, I'm feeling almost human! I'd better knock on wood!
Rachel, those little furry guys are so sweet. I'd love to do what you do. Bravo to you!
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