I am sorry I haven't updated in a few days. It has been very busy.
The baby bunnies are doing great. The light tan one has been bouncing around the pen. I took pictures of them and I will post them as soon as I have them on the computer.
Daisy the guinea pig is also doing wonderful. Pictures of her will be coming soon. Boomer the bunny was adopted yesterday :)
The 4 chinchillas we took in a little bit ago have been settling in nicely. They are eating Timothy hay like it is out of style. And they love their chew toys.
Just moments ago we received an urgent call about a litter of baby guinea pigs that were born today. One of the babies didn't start walking and had not nursed at all. Fearing the decline of the little baby , she brought the little bub to us to try our best to care for. The baby is a little pink eyed white Abyssinian. He/she seems to be having trouble with the back legs. I warmed up some pedialyte and he/she drank it with vigor, which is very heartening to see. Tomorrow I will call the vet and see how soon we can get the little bub in for an exam. Hopefully we can find out why he/she cannot stand up or walk. We will do everything in our power to support the little bundle.
Pictured above is Boomer.
Hey, I'm sorry if it isn't my place to say this but GuineaLynx actually strongly recommends against using kitten milk to nurse baby guinea pigs! I've read on that site that it can be dangerous or lead to poor outcome.
I didn't know that guinealynx adviced against any kitten replacer milk. I usually use it for the first few days along with critical care. I have cared for orphaned baby mice, rats, rabbits and guinea pigs. I know baby guinea pigs are different because they are born much more developed than the others. But I never had a problem with baby guinea pigs before and the KML. Just small amounts for the first few days, mixed with critical care. I will take this information off the blog soon. I do not want any potentially dangerous advice or information on here. I have always trusted and used guinealynx's information in the past. I just had never seen the information about caring for piggie babies before. I wish the baby had been stronger and not a lethal, it was very sad for all of us when he passed.
Thank you for the heads up. And for being kind about it. I will never claim to be an expert at anything. There is always something to learn. Thank you.
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