Over the course of a few days, we have had a couple adoptions. Ones that will always be etched in my mind and make me smile.
Back in June of 2009. Three guinea pigs were surrendered. They were three girls that we named Dixie, Darla and Daisy. They were surrendered because of family allergies. What stood out about these girls was their age. They were older, which made it more difficult for them to change homes and have to get used to something new. And also to be adopted. Daisy was 4 years old, Dixie was 4 years old and Darla was 5. What also made it more difficult to find them a forever home was the fact that we insisted on keeping the trio together. Guinea pigs bond with each other, loosing a cage mate is not easy for them. We would never split up cage mates on purpose. Then, the wonderful moment came when the Smith family contacted us about adopting all three girls. They built a C&C cage for them , and love everything about the girls. Even their names :) It was such a happy moment for me and it still is, it brings tears to my eyes.. don't worry , they are happy tears.
Today, Hercules the turtle was adopted! He was looking for a home for over a year. Last November he was abandoned in a shopping cart outside a business building. IN the middle of the cold winter! After months of treating him for shell rot, he has been adoptable since then. But did not find a home. until today, when a couple was in town looking for a family turtle. They stopped by to see who we had, and Hercules was our only turtle. They fell in love with him. It had been years since they had a turtle, so they received a a great deal of information on his care, from lighting, to temperature to UV and diet. But they are well prepared for him now and will do everything for him. Way to go Hercules!
I cannot say I didn't become emotionally attached to Dixie, Darla, Daisy and Hercules. When these little guys arrive in our life and stay with us for quite a while.. yes, I fall in love. I have to repeat in my head that there will be so many more little ones that will need help in the future. It is a sad fact. And if I keep all the ones I fall in love with, we won't have any extra room in our house or foster homes for those future rescues that need help. Our goal is to find them loving homes, and I have to stick to that. I also know that the girl piggies and Hercules are very much loved now and well taken care of, I couldn't ask for anything better for them. That gives me all the peace of mind I need.
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