Sunday, May 6, 2007

attack of the creepy crawlies

We has a young visitor today , she wanted to meet girlie guinea pig, Lizzie. She made a great catch and saw that Lizzie has lice crawling on her :S Not to worry though Lice is very easy to treat and quickly eradicated. Since Lizzie in the same cage with Lexi , they both will need to be treated. I'll make them an appointment as soon as I can on Monday, they'll both need Advantage ( that is what our vet likes to use for guinea pig lice and it works great) they'll just need to get their weights for the proper dosage they'll need. Good eye Christina!:)
Tuesday, we have an appointment for our cat, Jade, she has been having very different eating habits and drinking habits lately, I am worried about her. And Butterscotch the rabbit is going in as well, I noticed a small lump near the corner of his mouth the other day, it's best to have that looked at. I am hoping that there isn't any real bad news and that everyone will be getting better. I'll leave this post with an adorable picture of our cat Harry. He is wearing his best tuxedo.

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