Yes, we lost Champ last night. I had covered him up with a litte piece of fleece with Nemo on it. Then watched an episode of The Office. Before I turned in for bed I went to pet Champ and say good night and found that he had passed away in that amount of time. Ray and I made the decision so have a necropsy done on Champ to find out if more was wrong with him than just his neck. To us it seemed that more was ravaging his body then just that. And our assumptions were right, Dr.Fijas called and reported that Champ had a large clot in his Aorta in his heart. And that was definitely the main reason for all his problems and his ..gulp..death.. *sighs* The X-rays didn't show us this, we only saw the outside of his heart not the inside, plus his heartbeat was still strong and not muffled or irregular when we took him in on Monday which is so strange. I took Melissa our cat in to have her stitches out from her Spay, and dr.Fijas showed me the clot in a jar with Formaldehyde I nearly passed out , it was HUGE! Huge for a little piggy. I can't believe Champ held on as long as he did, now I feel bad that we didn't let him go and have him PTS, but we didn't know that was there. Poor Champ, we miss him. And I know my husband , Ray was just attached to Champ as I am. They let us have Champ back and we buried him. Shed some tears and gave our farewells. He will always be remembered and missed. here is a picture of Champ and Ray, they do go nicely together , don't they? They had a great relationship.
oh no!!Champ was really cute.I miss him even though i never actually saw him.I hope champ had a nice burial. poor little guy.it stinks that u couldn't save him!
Hi Chanel,
Champ was an adorable and handsome piggy. In the end he couldn't fight such a large heart blockage, clot. It is sad that such a wonderful , sweet piggy would go this way and before his time. We did bury him behind our shed, it was so nice of our vet to let us have him back after the necropsy. We do miss him, we miss his wheeking at us frmo his cage and standing on his legs peering out of the cage at us like he is saying " Look at me , Look at me, now let me out." For a while there I was thinking of having Champ as a therapy guinea pig. I could tell everyone his miraculous story of overcoming hind end paralysis and his outgoing and sweet nature would really bring a smile to anyone. But I wasn't sure where to begin to get him into a program , plus I couldn't find any places that would accept a pet that isn't vaccinated year round and not a dog or cat.
We miss you Champ.
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