a couple days ago we had two leopard geckos dropped off. This is a picture of the healthier one, who beat up and dominated the other ( not pictured) I separated them, the beat up one is in a 20 gallon long and the healthy one is in a 38 gallon
reptarium. The beat up one is going through a bad shed , she is malnourished ( I am giving her dusted crickets, I ordered
butterworms and silkworms that just came in) thankfully she is eating on her own and probably won't need to be force fed. The healthy gecko more
than likely wouldn't allow her to eat. She is also missing half her tail which looks fresh, like it happened recently. As soon as I get a couple poop samples I'll drop them off to Dr.T to check for any parasites. The beat up one should recover well, it'll be slow going, but soon she'll be looking as good as the healthy guy, but her tail won't look as good as the original. Now I need names.
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