First off, Bonnie the sugar glider is looking much better. It is still difficult to see the actual eye, but the area surrounding the eyes is improving and is on the mend. I am so happy for her.
Now, our own guinea pig , Champ is very ill. It seems he somehow injured the vertibrae on his neck and has a pinched nerve. He is showing severe neurological symptoms plus he is in a lot of pain. Our vet doesn't want to give up on him nor do I, he recovered completely 3 years ago from being half paralyzed ( in the back legs), a spinal injury then too. ( I adopted him that way 3 years ago and I concluded that the injury was from someone roughly handling him or dropping him, but i do not know how he became injured this time). He is not moving much at all and has muscle tremors, he doesn't have an appetite. he is on pain medicine and I have been feeding him with a syringe and giving him fluids. We are hoping he makes some improvement in a few days, if not, we'll have to discuss Champ's best interests. But I really do not want to give up on him, I didn't 3 years ago, I cared for him the same way I am now and in 2 weeks, his little legs started moving and then miraculously he was walking on them. Please send him healing vibes, I really adore and love Champ. Here is an adorable photo of him before he became critically ill today.
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