I am afraid our friend and companion Kodiak had deteriorated to the point where it was best for him to be put to sleep. To ease his suffering. For those that are just starting to read this blog, the ferrets, Kodiak and Americana, came to us with Lymphoma, a horrible cancer. Kodiak's Lymphoma was much more advanced than Americana's. Both of them came here as a hospice stay, we provide them with love, luxury and comfort for their remaining days, weeks, months, years, however long they have. Each day with them has been a joy, these two ferrets perk up when their human comes near and get even more excited when the door to the cage is opened and they are let out to romp and play and explore, a favorite ferret past time. Seeing Kodiak become so ill from the cancer was difficult, he lost interest in food and became so weak that walking was difficult. He still lifted up his head when I was near , even though he couldn't lift the rest of his body. I gave him kisses and head rubs at his end, I held his head and told him "good-bye" Here is a picture of Kodiak when he was feeling good, he loved to watch those hamsters and always hoped one would jump into his mouth. Never happened though, sorry buddy.
Our head tilted rabbit is in GI stasis again, he has stopped eating and pooping. I started force feeding critical care and giving him sub-Q fluids the moment I knew he wasn't doing well. I am also giving him the same meds we did last time this happened to him. I have been consulting the vet over the phone about him, but I will call to get him in at the first available appointment on Monday. Let's hope he pulls through this as well as he did last time.
1 comment:
Ohhh thats sooo sad i hope Fagan gets better and im sorry about Kodiak well at least you finally got a picture of him staying still :D
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