I took a nice picture of our cat Martie , he looks really handsome doesn't he?
There are a couple of new arrivals. One is a 7 month old male guinea pig, his name is Rocky Road. His previous owner is moving into a place that doesn't allow guinea pigs and "had" to give up her piggy. He is very cute. He is frightened of the new place and many new smells, but I am sure he'll settle in soon. I'll be making an appointment real soon for Dr.T to check him over.
Our good friend , Judy, called about parakeet they found in their backyard, eating from their bird feeder! This bird is so hand tame and sweet, he was definitely some one's pet, and we will hold onto him in case an owner shows up around Judy's and look into any local ads in the paper and Internet for anyone looking for a parakeet that matches the description of the one we have. Judy did bring the parakeet us, she wasn't equipped to handle the sudden bird in the house, plus she rescues cats and has many more than we do.
Fagan is doing the same, he was loved by our friend Ann, who will be volunteering her time to love and socialize the rescues. She brushed him and gave him raisins which he did eat right up. So he does have somewhat of an appetite, if a sweet tooth still. Hopefully he'll be back to eating and pooping like normal very soon, I really worry about him.
There are a couple of new arrivals. One is a 7 month old male guinea pig, his name is Rocky Road. His previous owner is moving into a place that doesn't allow guinea pigs and "had" to give up her piggy. He is very cute. He is frightened of the new place and many new smells, but I am sure he'll settle in soon. I'll be making an appointment real soon for Dr.T to check him over.
Our good friend , Judy, called about parakeet they found in their backyard, eating from their bird feeder! This bird is so hand tame and sweet, he was definitely some one's pet, and we will hold onto him in case an owner shows up around Judy's and look into any local ads in the paper and Internet for anyone looking for a parakeet that matches the description of the one we have. Judy did bring the parakeet us, she wasn't equipped to handle the sudden bird in the house, plus she rescues cats and has many more than we do.
Fagan is doing the same, he was loved by our friend Ann, who will be volunteering her time to love and socialize the rescues. She brushed him and gave him raisins which he did eat right up. So he does have somewhat of an appetite, if a sweet tooth still. Hopefully he'll be back to eating and pooping like normal very soon, I really worry about him.
About the 'found parakeet' - you may also want to check with http://www.911ParrotAlert.com . Lost and found birds are cross referenced from all lost and found sites & newspapers there.
thank you, I'll check that out right away
My parakeet just died 2 nights ago..
Lyra , I am s sorry to hear this. It is so difficult to loose a beloved pet. My warmest regards.
I too am so very sorry about your loss. It is heartbreaking to lose your FID (feathered kid).
There is a pet loss support forum you may wish to join if you want to. It might help to talk about it.
Thanks you guys.. I may join the pet loss support thanks Diana.
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