There are a couple of good stories, very happy adoptions :)
Autumn the bunny that has been with us and up for adoption for almost a year now, has finally found her forever home. She has always been a moody and difficult bun, that is why it was hard to find the right person and home for her. It takes someone willing to take on the challenge and with a lot of patience and understanding to deal with Autumn. But as moody as she is, she is adorable and does have her sweet moments. Thank you , Carrie, for fostering her for us for so long. And thank you Nicole, for adopting Autumn and giving her such a nice home.
Will the rat was adopted too. He went home yesterday with a nice couple. They have another rat, his name is Charlie. Charlie's partner recently passed away to old age and a tumor, and Charlie was left all alone. Now he has a great friend with Will, I received a nice e-mail today that they bonded instantly and are best buddies. They also left me a cute picture, I'll see if I can attach it to the blog.
We have a new arrival, a female bunny that someone found outside and took to HEART inc. The rescue HEART inc, was unable to keep the bunny and called us to see if we had room for her. And we did :) She is a pretty brown and white bun with straight ears, she is very mellow and handle able. She is using her litter box 100 % too , such a good girl! Now we need to get her spayed and think of a name for her.
The parakeet and 2 finches have an appointment with Dr.T on Thursday.
Here is a picture of Autumn and Will and Charlie the best friends
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