Saturday, March 7, 2009


Last Saturday night we had some tragedies. I went to see the four babies in the nest that were born the week before, Expresso's
babies I didn't make it a habit to disturb the nest , but would check on them here and there. I realized right away something was wrong. The babies looked withered and moved sluggishly. I decided to pick one up and it was ice cold and dehydrated :( I knew Mom wasn't caring for them at that point. Mother rabbit's only feed their young two or three times a day , and usually in the evening, so it isn't uncommon to not see a Mom rabbit nursing her babies.
After taking the babies out, I found one already dead. I took them to the Intesive Care Unit we have and immediately warmed them up, slowly, as the unit warmed up itself. Then I gave them each a couple cc's of pedialyte to hydrate them before even attempting to feed them. An hour later I mixed up the kitten food and tried feeding.. they were, of course, unused to it, but took in a little. I waited a couple more

hours to try again, to find another had passed away, and one was barely alive. I got a drop of kitten milk into the bad one and fed a little of what the other would take. It wasn't long before the other passed and the remaining one was downhill as well. That one passed by morning. It was an awful night. I wish I had known the Mom stopped caring for them sooner, before they were already too debilitated to be rehabilitated and hand raised. But I knew it was bad when I saw them, their skin soo loose, ribs showing.. and ice cold to the touch.. it was too late :(Now we have 12 babies, 4 adults and Gemini and Whisper ( the number of rabbits)

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