It has been a wonderful couple of days. Two very adorable and sweet furry friends went home. Wilbur and Satin.
Satin was brought to us as a young baby, she was part of a litter of ten. The crazy part was, there were 5 girls and 5 boys. All of them were eventually adopted, but Satin was the last one remaining, just waiting here for the day when she'd go home. It was well worth the wait for her! She has the best home ever. Mom, Patricia, and her new brother, Tommy, have adopted her and she is now family.
Wilbur has a sad story but with a really happy ending. Wilbur arrived with a lot of missing fur, scabs and open sores, he also itched and chewed himself a lot and cried out in pain as he did so, it was heartbreaking to see. I got him in to see Dr.Fijas as soon as we could, and found out that Wilbur had Mange/mites. Dr.Fijas prescribed Revolution to take care of the mites and to repeat it once a month for three months. After the first treatment , we could see the improvement, less chewing and scratching, and the scabs healed up. Once he was into his third treatment he looked like an entirely different piggy. He was happier, more comfortable, he grew fur in all over. It was apparent to Dr.Fijas and I that his mites were all gone. And he also had someone who wanted to adopt him in the worst way , hehhe. Jennifer who adopted our goldfish that were left in a bucket, fell in love with Wilbur as soon as she laid eyes on him. And she just picked him up today and will be taking him to his forever home. Jenn has really turned around the lives of these "discarded" pets, by offering and giving her heart and home to them, she has given these pets that had sad beginnings , such happy endings. Thank you so much Jenn M. :)
That is a cute picture of Satin, but we still need to download pictures of Wilbur. I didn't take any pictures of Wilbur while he was suffering from mange to show any before and after pictures. But once I have the after pictures downloaded you'll see how happy he is and say "awww" to his utter cuteness