Jade is doing the same. She has had some visitors here to love her and make her feel better with all the attention. Today, Grandma and Grandpa visited ( my Mom and dad) and loved her all over, and on Saturday Jenn stopped by to give her lots of kisses and love. Jade didn't eat as well on Sunday, but yesterday she ate all her canned food, she didn't leave any scraps for the other cats to eat after her. She looks so tired and drained , I wish I could make her feel better. I wish she didn't have this at all, i wish it was treatable, I wish so much for Jade... She's our loveable, huggable, sexy black cat. And she always will be.
I'll be making an appointment for our guinea pig, Tawney. Tawney is our piggy with the neurological disorder. he has a black residue in his ears and lately, his neurological symptoms (head tilt, wobbliness, siezures, etc) have been a bit worse than normal and I have a feeling the ears have something to do with it. Also right around this time every year , he always gets worse, always in May near Memorial Day. Each year it has happened, and we have had Tawney for three years now, it has been one of those unexplainable things. We still will be taking him in to see dr.T or Fijas for a check-up and have the ears looked at.
There haven't been any newcomers or adoptions this week. It has been quiet.
Oh, and we have been updated by Autumn the rabbit's foster Mom, Autumn has been very calm and loving lately. Autumn became rather moody and miserable after her spay surgery. She has been in a foster home for many months now. She always showed love to any cats or dogs , but all people she didn't care for. Until now, Carrie (foster Mom) has let me know that these past few weeks, Autumn hasn't shown any aggression to her or her son, and has been quite a nice bun. Question now is has she gotten comfortable with Carrie and her son, but will still react aggressively towards anyone else? Or will she be able to adapt to someone else and like them too? The good news is that she can grow fond of people, it may take time for her, but now we know she can and will which helps her chances of being adopted. I'll leave a cute picture of her, here's Autumn!
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