I now have some pictures of Randy in the computer, so here he is being lazy on our couch. Tell me, isn't he just a handsome, sexy looking boy cat? rowr. hehe, He sure has made himself at home here.
The two female guinea pigs, Lexi and Lizzie, they were extremely scared about a month ago when they first arrived. They have finally calmed down and settled in after a few weeks, and now Ray and I are able to bring them out of the cage and spend time with them. I feel they are now able to be adopted out so I've placed them on Petfinder. They have two totally different personalities too. Lexi is more pushy and bossy in the cage with Lizzie but she is real timid around people. Lizzie is a pushover with Lexi and timid with her but is really outgoing with people. Here they are hanging out on top of Ray, Lexi is the all brown one, and Lizzie is the multi-colored piggy.
There was an adoption today too. The last two of the Florida river cooter turtles have gone home. Yippee! That's great for them. There were three cooter turtles that were brought there back in October of 2006. They were caught in Florida by their original owner and brought here in Western New York, they were then kept as pets for two years. Then the owner decided they didn't want them anymore. They were going to let them free in a nearby creek here in New York if we were unable to take them in. First of all they wouldn't survive our Winters here, it isn't anything like Florida! Secondly after two years in captivity their chances are slim out in the wild, plus they could introduce a foreign pathogen into the environment. The best thing for them was to re home them. There was a small one, a medium sized one and a larger one. The smallest one found a home quite quickly, the other two were here for a while, but their perfect home and Mom just came for them today :)
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