I have horrible news about our cat, Jade. If anyone has been to our house, then you would know Jade, she is the slender black cat that demands attention from you. Lately she had been acting sick, she became very picky about what she will eat, and won't eat her normal food. I made an appointment for her and in the time from then until her appointment ( a few days) she went downhill, she started drinking a lot, even obsessed about water in general. She started crying in the house kind of a " I'm lost, help me" sounding cry. Dr.T wanted to do a blood work up on her even though she just had the same blood work done 6 months ago, he said it can drastically change in that time period . And it did, it came out perfectly fine six months ago, and yesterday it was VERY bad. She has renal failure, Dr.T told me straight out that her kidneys are not functioning for her at all anymore. I am afraid that her time with us is very limited now, and it breaks and tears at my heart knowing that. There isn't anything we can do for her to make her better. Dr.T told us to let her drink water as she wants, right now, she is drinking from her bowls, faucets and bath tub. I know she wants to drink out of the toilet and fish tanks ( She'll take water anywhere she finds it) but I am not letting her drink from those areas. He also said it is great that she is eating canned food ( she has completely stopped eating any dry food) and to let her have as much of it as she wants as long as she is keeping it down, and she is. Jade still loves visitors , she still feels up to climbing all over you and demanding attention, if anyone wants to visit her and love her, please do. I'll keep everyone updated, I am hoping we still have quite a bit of quality time with her, we will make each moment count.
Old man Butterscotch the rabbit also went in to see Dr.T , the lump by his mouth was an abscess, he poked it open and drained it and now Butterscotch is on an antibiotic twice a day. Dr.T said this could be a sign that Butterscotch is developing teeth problems, if the abscess comes back or another appears he'll need to have the inside of his mouth looked at.
We also got the Advantage to treat Lexi and Lizzie for the lice, so soon enough all those lice will be dead.
Here's a head shot of Old man Butterscotch ( he is 9 and half years old) he is a cutie. It has been a very sad time for us, but we are loving and enjoying Jade. I encourage anyone who also has come to grow fond of jade to please visit her soon, ( I know how hard it is to see her sick and know what will be happening) I know how much she loves everyone and how much she will enjoy that. Thank you.
Old man Butterscotch the rabbit also went in to see Dr.T , the lump by his mouth was an abscess, he poked it open and drained it and now Butterscotch is on an antibiotic twice a day. Dr.T said this could be a sign that Butterscotch is developing teeth problems, if the abscess comes back or another appears he'll need to have the inside of his mouth looked at.
We also got the Advantage to treat Lexi and Lizzie for the lice, so soon enough all those lice will be dead.
Here's a head shot of Old man Butterscotch ( he is 9 and half years old) he is a cutie. It has been a very sad time for us, but we are loving and enjoying Jade. I encourage anyone who also has come to grow fond of jade to please visit her soon, ( I know how hard it is to see her sick and know what will be happening) I know how much she loves everyone and how much she will enjoy that. Thank you.
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