Pinkie is a female guinea pig that has been in foster care. Last week her foster Mom let us know that she was breathing heavily (labored) and had some diarrhea , she was then rushed to the vet. It was found that she had a grade 3 heart murmur and fluid surrounding her heart, she was diagnosed with heart disease. Now she is on some meds, Baytril and Lasix ( for her heart). The good news is that she has greatly improved on the meds and is back to her normal self, vocal and happy. She may always need to be on the lasix and Foter Mom, Dawn and I decided it ia best for her to stay in her home and not be adopted somewhere else. We are afraid that the stress of moving to a new place would cause a relapse. We are all hoping that Pinkie stays well and still has a long life ahead of her. here is a picture of that goofy, loveable girl.
Tomorrow Sweetie is getting spayed, but shhhh, don't let her know that. No need to get her worked up ahead of time.
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