Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Margo and Mini Margo- updates on New arrivals- Jo Jo

First off , the two girl guinea pigs Margo and Mini Margo just went home today. Jenn is their new Mom and despite the wintery weather they stopped in to see the girls and adopt them. The girls were bundled up in their cozy new carrier, all wrapped up in a blanket ready to go home. A happy day for those two, and what sweet piggies they are. I'll add pictures of them.

Jojo the Quaker parrot didn't like me too much the first day she arrived here. I don't blame her, she was stressed. By the next day, she allowed me to pet her head and scritch at those pin feathers that must be awfully itchy. Now she will step up for me onto my hand and cuddles under my chin while making soft purring noises. She is still picking her feathers under her wings, and it looks as if the feathers on her legs may not come back in, she really damaged the feather follicles. Feather picker or not, what matters most is happiness, well-being and health. Many times feather picking starts out as a stress factor, a change in routine or boredom and even when many things improve with their lifestyle and everything is better, they still pick out of habit. Many times an area that has been picked stays bald even when the destructive behavior has stopped. Feather picking is such a broad and complex issue.. it is hard to pinpoint it's origins or resolve it completely. JoJo is a great bird no matter what. She still doesn't like Ray, she shows her displeasure at him with beak wide open, but we will persevere to try and socialize her to not stay a one person bird.

Now I am cutting up some fresh papaya, the birds, hamsters, rats,guinea pigs and especially the sugar gliders love fresh papaya. I'll also give the sugar gliders some carrot, blueberries, brocolli and superworms.

Soon it will be off to bed, I may watch some Scrubs and Friends before I fall asleep. Good night.


Anonymous said...

Rachel, your pictures of all the animals just get better and better. The bunnies are beautiful. Sorry to hear about the troubles with tumors on the mice. You sure did your best.
Keep up the good work.

small pet rescue said...

Hi Barb
thank you for the compliment on the pictures.
So far, th emouse is doing okay. The tumor make sit a bit difficult for her to walk but she can manage. Her three sisters keep her company and warm and comfortable. I am so glad she has them to help her through this.