Tuesday, July 24, 2007

update on baby hamsters and Blender the chameleon

I am afraid to say that some of thehamster babies have passed away. They were doing wonderful for two weeks, then some of them, I just found, gone. I am not sure if it was just too large of a litter , 12 is a BIG litter for a hamster. And the larger, stronger babies were able to nurse more so than the smaller ones, and the smaller ones perished. I really don't know why they died, but it is very sad. There are seven remaining and Mom is nursing them and caring for them still, they are active and have their eyes almost completely open. I really hope they survive and grow up to adult hood. Then experince the joys of being adopted and being part of a family. I know Momma is doing the best she can. I have been supplementing her with electrolytes and vitamins and of course, good food is plenty. Let's just hope these babies continue to do well.
Our newest arrival is a chameleon. This poor chameleon had something awful happen to him. As he was going for some food, his long tongue wrapped around a vine from inside his enclosure and became stuck. Somebody freed him but his tongue had been majorly damaged by the accident. I got him in to see Dr.T as soon as I could when he arrived here. by then, the damaged portion of his tongue had fallen off, and now he doesn't have much of a tongue at all :(. A chamleon's tongue is used for catching prey to eat. Now he'll need to be hand fed for the rest of his life. We'll be keeping him here because of his special needs. He's a permanent resident like Bandit the ferret and Fagan the rabbit, due to their special needs and medical issues. I named the chameleon, Blender, and so far he is doing well, considering how awful his accident was. He eats for me and drinks water, he is in a 38 gallon reptarium with branches and vines, plus his heat lamp and UVA/UVB lamp. I hope he is happy:)


Anonymous said...

Thats a really sad situation. What type of Chameleon IS Blender? I once had a Veiled that needed a leg amputated due to an attack from a cagemate. and he actually did well for years afterward. I've been a fan of your work for months now, and would like to help with fostering, but have been going through tumultuous times lately. I will contact you when I am ready, but I am just TOO curious about what type of chameleon you have. Reptiles are my favorite :-)

small pet rescue said...

Blender is a little male Jackson's chameleon. When I first heard of Blender's plight, I seriously thought that Dr.T may have recommended euthanasia for him. I expected his tongue to be seriously infected or a much worse outcome. He ate 2 crcikets for me yesterday , sprinkled with calcium and vitamin D3 plus some fluids from the lactated ringer I gave him. he is emaciated , but we hope to have him fattened up soon. Dr.T wants a stool sample to check for parasites, but when he pooped last it was under the heat light and was dried up , not useable.
I am so glad that veiled had you to help him. It's amazing how these guys adapt to having disabilities.
Let me know when things calm down for you. foster homes are always a HUGE help. It is sad that we have to decline taking in so many due to lack of space.
Thank you for your kind words, and I do love hearing from you :)