Thursday, January 3, 2008

And even more hamsters

More hamsters arrived today. More Campbell's or Russian dwarf hamsters. They were breeding like crazy because the owner didn't know how to separate them. So far I have the females in a cage all their own, away from the males. Now I have to watch for any fighting and possibly take out any bullies. I have names for the females, Zest, Ketchup, Mustard, Sauce, Relish and Gravy. I need to stop coming up with names while I am hungry. I don't have any names for the boys, but I will soon. Pictures soon to come :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahh more dwarfs! There are too many oops litters! I just rescued a litter of Syrians, they are all split in cages in my room. Cute, like Power Puff, they are a little jumpy, but there are too many oops litters going on, It makes me want to have a serious talk with the pet stores!